Non peer reviewed CBD/covid19 info

My mom sent me this, wish it contained any piece of actual results.: In Search of Preventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression in COVID-19 Gateway Tissues


Is it possible the reason they are seeing this with some CBD extracts and not others is because it’s not the CBD that’s causing it? It’s one of the other cannabinoids contained in those extracts that’s effecting ACE2

My non peer reviewed info says covid-19 is all hype…

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My dad thinks COVID is just the flu being exploited by the government to make us subservient by wearing face diapers. His words, not mine :rofl:

I hope there is real potential with cannabinoids for disease suppression. Other than pre-existing respiratory illness and a compromised immune system, a diet poor in vitamin D can also lead to COVID complications.

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