No pest strips gave my dog seizures (she's ok now)

I wanted to share this story, because a lot of us use these things. “Hot Shot” is the common brand. Dichlorvous, an organophosphate, is the active ingredient. The regulation history of the chemical is sketchy. It was banned, but came back 25 or so years ago in these strips, which carry the warning “do not use in living space.” I have seen them on supply sites for exterminators, who put them in cabinets, which for some reason don’t count as living space. They stink of chemicals and I only use them as a last resort, like a bug bomb. Pop it open, seal the room and run away.

I have used them before around this same dog, always in a separate room with the door closed and a towel at the bottom. Idk if maybe I got a stronger one somehow. One hour later, my dog who has never had health problems and was fine all day, is having uncontrollable muscle spasms and twitching. She could barely stand, couldnt walk straight. She’s 11. My last two shepherds died suddenly in their sleep at 8 and 9, so I just think she’s dying in front of me. This happened at night on a weekend. I live in a rural area without many vet options, and I know my own vet wouldnt do anything.

Car rides are her favorite thing, so I took her for what I thought was going to be one last ride. I had to lift her into the truck. She laid her head in my lap and at one point I saw her eyes roll back in her head. I headed to the grocery store to get some hamburger if she could hang on for a last meal, driving like a drunk even though I’m sober because Im so upset.

And then instead of dying, she slowly got better. We got home and sat outside grilling burgers. And then I finally figured out what had happened. This was a couple days ago and she still doesnt want to come inside.

No pest strips are great for mites and I’m sure a lot of other bugs, but my advice is to keep them away from your pets, as in not under the same roof.

And as I said in the title, we’re doing much better now, digging up moles in the back yard.

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pretty sure you got that right. Glad she’s still with you.

snow1973.pdf (626.7 KB)

there are probably long term effects as well.


Thanks for the article.