No need to purge crude that’s going to be winterized?

So I recently started processing a lot of trim and crude oil for somebody. I recently read that there was no need to purge or vacuum oven the resulting oil since it’s going into a jar with ethanol anyway. Since the butane is only held in by the oil, it will simply evaporate at room temperature. So is it safe to assume I can completely skip the vacuum oven step and just scoop my oil out of my collection pot, dump it right into a mason jar and fill it with my proper portion of ethanol? When I recover the butane from my collection pot i usually take it down pretty low as to not leave too much liquid in there, and I just kind of scoop it out with a spatula. I’m assuming my only problem would be getting an accurate weight of what oil I’m putting into the jar to be diluted for my records… so just to confirm again, I can scoop out the big gloppy oil in the bottom of my collection pot and put a right to a jar with ethanol? Eventually I put it onto a hot plate with the ethanol to mix it we, then jar it up and freeze it for winterizing. Does this all sound good ?

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I’ve gone into ethanol without oven purging since day one. or atleast the first time I winterized, which was many moons ago. open blast into a canning jar in warm water. adding ethanol to drive off the last of the butane. into the freezer.

With a CLS, I used to recover to 15" or so of vac on my receiver then use that vac to pull a measured amount of ethanol in.

I didn’t deliberately recover solvent to the cotton candy stage, but doing that more than once and “recovering” from that mistake by adding ethanol directly to the receiver was how I got to routinely using ethanol as my transfer solvent out of the platter.

If you leave too much butane in there, and release it all at once by spooning soup into rm temp ethanol, I can see it getting pretty messy (did I mention I’ve done this since day one? Trust me).

As for how to know how much ethanol to add, knowing the potency and weight of the input material helps. You sound like you have some historical data you could use to guestimate, even if you don’t have in house analysis capabilities.

If you weigh the ethanol you suck into the receiver, and the liquid you get out, you can have a number for your records :wink:

Edit: and even use that number to tune the amount of solvent added.


I am completely unfamiliar with the idea of running ethanol into my close loop system, if that’s what you are saying. Forgive me for my novice level knowledge. To be clear, what I’ve been doing is running butane through my whole close loop system, recovering everything down to almost 0 psi in my recovery platter, taking apart the bottom of my machine so I just have my splatter platter with a bunch of pretty thick spongy oil as you would imagine it would come out when recovered almost to zero. So from at that point I would normally scoop it /pour it out onto parchment paper and then put it in the oven. So now I’m wondering if I can just scoop it out and put it Into jars and slowly start adding ethanol. When I’ve been purging my product, I would eventually take it out of the oven, fold up the parchment and freez it for storage until I get to winterizing. I’ve been basically adding 2 ounces of shatter like oil into a jar and then about 600 g by weight of ethanol, heating mixing and into another mason jar to freeze for winterizing. I’m sorry to sound dumb, can you elaborate on the idea of running the ethanol through the close loop system or make a suggestion based on what I just told you I’m doing. Hopefully it makes sense. I kind of lost you on the idea of adding ethanol to my actual closing loop system/receiver . Unless I read that all wrong and I’m sorry that I type a lot, sometimes my statements get jumbled up. The simple idea is after running all the butane thru my material column and recovering all the butane from the collection platter, I opened it up, have a bunch of oil that’s pretty thick depending on how far I recover. Just want to know the best thing next to do with that oil to avoid unnecessary steps if I’m gonna winterize eventually. Thank you so much for your patience with me

ethanol goes into your CLS. not through it.

recover to vac. use whatever valve you use to open your system to suck in your ethanol. with a hose and a straw (dip tube). then pour from receiver into jar(s).

or spoon the crude into ethanol. just do it slowly. or it may off gas violently and cover you in goo.

how many runs does it take you to accumulate two oz of shatter?


Oh I understand what you’re saying now. Instead of removing the oil first and placing it into ethanol, you actually just pour appropriate amount of ethanol into the recovery chamber through my open extra valve. But I guess likewise like you said I can carefully add it to the ethanol but that may be messy. To answer your question about the shatter yield, without having my notebook in front of me it’s hard to tell. I usually do like 10 runs in a clip, running a 4 inch tube that takes 3 pounds each time. So I’m running roughly 30 pounds of material before I ever even dump the pot. Even running crappy trim, my last yield was about 3 pounds of oil. Of course I lose a ton of that in winterizing. But that’s roughly my yield with the material im running. So you’re saying do the math and add all the ethanol right to my collection chamber and let it do it’s thing, or very carefully scoop it out into jars of ethanol , or empty jars and adding ethanol which ever way. Thank you so much for your input and help. No need to have trays of trim oil sitting in the oven if I’m just going to winterize it

yep. you got it.

I taught mine to sip her liquor, from a mason jar, through a stainless steel straw :wink:

I used to offer her the whole bottle, but it was easier to control her intake with the jars…

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I apologize for some things being incoherent. I’m using my voice text as I’m dealing with a little bit of a mess I made LOL. I have corrected everything so anyone reading can follow along. Thank you so much for the input !!

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On that note I have one more silly question. If I use a dip tube or straw set up into my bottle of ethanol, and open up that extra valve that I would normally vent my collection pot out with, would that keep a vacuum in my system or am I correct in assuming just by the little air in the dip tube or straw it will bring atmosphere in. What I’m saying is once I recover my collection plate down to zero and it’s time to add the ethanol, I’m basically opening up my collection plate to atmosphere and I’m done with my recovery process. Right. Just want to make sure I’m not trying to attempt to keep a vacuum when I bring the ethanol into play and somehow recover the butane that is expelled. Likewise without using a vacuum to suck the ethanol in, would it be far-fetched to open up the valve to vent it out and then Funnel the ethanol in. Just want to make sure there’s not a specific step right there on if I’m trying to keep vacuum or not. I assume the idea of adding the ethanol into the collection pot is simply so I’m not spilling shit everywhere and it’s all contained in that big old collection chamber

on target again. once the jar is empty, then air is sucked in. you could pour. or recover just a hair more solvent. you no longer have to worry about loses to the pot from recovering too much solvent.

I pulled as hard as I could without muffining too badly. if I missed, and pulled too long, just letting the ethanol reflux in the receiver for 15-20 min at rm temp would usually clean everything up. sometimes I’d just come back and deal with it in the morning, at which point the receiver walls were pristine.

You can’t see it, but I’m flexing my muscles. You are the man, and I thank you good sir :slight_smile: this site has been fantastic to me on my new endeavors thus far.


yeah, this place rocks. best signal to noise ratio I’ve seen on this subject matter. great folks, who are willing to share too.


yes it does

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I am willing to share because it is part of my overall business strategy since I first started business. I lose a little bit on each transaction but make up for it in volume… :flushed:


Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, but my processor friend who uses this technique actually recommends you use WARM ethanol to make this process work even better.


I have a real noob question!! What is the point of adding the ethanol and or winterizing?

To remove waxes and fats.


@Duddy9211 I would suggest that your first response should be to use the magnifying glass in the upper right of this window.

aka Search results for 'winterization' - Future4200

if you’d like a wider view, then ask the all knowing one winterization crude - Google Search

asking for clarification after doing ones homework will get you on track much faster than the half formed questions asked by those who don’t explore on their own first.

that said

if you think you’ve found the answer elsewhere, bring it here and double check.

…there is still complete BS being passed off as “knowledge” in the cannabis space, and there a lots of knowledgeable folks around here that won’t stand for that.

Most are also not uncomfortable saying “I don’t know” when there isn’t enough data.


Sorry for being a noob and thanks for getting me on track with the norms of the site. Sorry for any I convince

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