Nice, misunderstood gentleman looking for a safe cart at a budget

That’s a better title.

I would say go with ascent or wolkentek. Last I heard ascent had some qc issues though.


Nice job Ben, much better!

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I’m honestly trying here if you don’t allow certain thing I apologize but cut me some slack I’m tryinh instead of Just being dumb I’m admitng my faults


I know it’s been edited. I’m telling you why you’re getting a hard time. You said “so how do I ask then fuck”.

You knowingly made the same post after it had been removed and even acknowledged it. So all I’m saying is you should have more respect for the moderators and realize it was taken down for a reason.

Also no hate from me man. I was referring to the other posts you made on buying d8 and I do appreciate you editing them. I apologize if it came off the wrong way.


I think we can move off the brow beating here, OP is trying to assimilate to the forum in a very acceptable manner.

@BenBeenBravo, trying to answer your question, what kind of price point and quantity are you looking for? Are you looking for a specific style? What kind of packaging do you want? (I assume not the picture that @pdxcanna posted in jest)


William seemed to have done pretty well since March or so, with a few issues about the carts getting dirty which @qma I think addressed and may be resolved now. And for like $.90 a cart, I want to know if someone else has a better alternative at a similar price point


Following on this one

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I’m looking for 5000-9000 packaging carts and another 5000-9000 srygines I’m looking for under 55 cents a box and carts I’ve heard from 50 cents on CCells and the best on ceramic is ascent which came out to be around .902 per cart. I do my studies on this page I just never understood the wate bath tek I know how to use use heptane and sepatory funnel but I’m still new. Thank you for not banning me or putting me on a list lmaoo


I saw a post on here about oversea people and how they have “empty cart packaging” does anyone know or have vendors like this

Can’t argue that price point…

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Found this with a quick google search

edit: don’t be a total pos and counterfeit shit please, there’s enough of that already


We’ll have to take the discussion about “water bath Tek” (I assume you are talking about water washing?) in another thread, I’ll suggest a few where you can ask questions and I’m sure people will happily answer.

For that kind of quantity I’m sure William @Ascent can help you out, we’re getting some packaging from him currently and the quality is good. I don’t know where you can get a $.50 cart that isn’t dangerous. $.90 per cart for the icell is pretty solid, if that breaks your margin you might reconsider your product line because it might just not be enough to squeak by on.

For what it’s worth, packaging is kind of a mofo right now with COVID and all

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I think you figured it out…

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Already using that company homie trust me I be looking for custom packing price just thought someone would know a good one here

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If that’s the case, I’d probably make a new post stating that you’re looking for value-conscious custom packaging. If you’re filling them with quality hardware and oil, I don’t see why you can’t cut costs on packaging. I wish more folks would do things that way who want to save a dime a unit.

Also, if you have your own branding you may be able to save more money by sending the company printing up your packaging a finished file. Even sign shops will save you some cash if you send them what you want already in a rastered file.

jah bless


Yah bless also, brother. I’m merely a consultant geek looking out for the design geeks!

EDIT: If you’ve seen ten of my comments you probably already know the reason.

I’m still laughing at that Raid cart.
+1 for the bad math humor - details like that always take a proper meme to the next level.