Next holy grail cbn-d

Top is anresco results

Bottom is the results for the starting distillate

Whereā€™s the CBND?

Why not start with CBD iso?

Because that involves reactions with dehydrogenation catalysts and such, not something everyone is comfortable with due to the substantial risk of a lab fire.

I accidently used cbd disty instead of the D8 disty sitting right next to it :sweat_smile:

Ill be using isolate next time, this was a pure accident

Kinda cool I got a full conversion of D9 to cbn except for .3%

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This was a dehydrogenation

I told you I was going to dehydrogenate cbd in that thread where you said you make cbnd from cbn

Its possible to make cbnd from cbd but youā€™ll get like a 5% yield

Was it a catalytic dehydrogenation tho?

Yes a catalyst was used

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Whats so good about cbn-d? Is it really super potent? (5xd9 effect?)

Very good question. One would ask if people arenā€™t desperate for something new to sell whether it has a reason or not.


Has anyone actually consumed it recently to know?!

Definitely psychoactive, 5x I donā€™t know :man_shrugging:

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Aka Thc d45!? :flushed::exploding_head:
45 Dā€™s??
5 times more Dā€™s than d9, come get ur cbn-d


Looks like some people really want the d.


Care to share the origin of that statement?

Its reported to be psychoactive in the old literature

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According to Handbook of Cannabis; Pertwee, R. G. E., Ed.; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2014. it should be, but i couldnā€™t track down any other source, let alone one giving actual evidence towards that claim. Has anyone been more successful?

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You believe you made some. You havenā€™t tried it yet? Iā€™m anxiously awaiting that experience report

Tbh it was an accident, since it was made from disty thereā€™s some unknowns and im nervous to try it

My next run will be with isolate, that one ill definitely try

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I believe the adams paper from the 40s talks about it