I have recently been trying to escape the paradigm of selling by weight and rather sell by dosage of active ingredients. So versus selling a quarter or 1/8th I calculate the active ingredients and sell 1000mg of active ingredient or whatever. I’m calling 25mg a dose. That’s a good average and common to edibles. The advantages of this are many. Anyone have any thoughts?
certainly the appropriate response to edibles. and for folks buying biomass for extraction.
not sure the general public is ready to get on board for anything other than edibles
…I had I hell of a time convincing either side of an ongoing business to business transaction that an edibles company should pay for their input by the mg cannabinoid of interest rather than gram of “oil”. I was on the side selling the oil. blew my mind that the owner of the edibles company struggled to wrap their head around it.
You can lead a hoarse to water…
I came up with this to sell freeze dried flower. I’ve gotten my technique on point for that before anyone bust on me for that. I can’t sell 7 g bag of that for a bill, rather I won’t. Initially I’d include a little bag of water so they could see it and have the weight. I come from a pharma research background so I consulted my homies and they all said exactly the same thing. Why don’t you sell it like every other medicine on the planet- by a dosage? We did quite a bit of figuring out how to determine the concentration and this solution seems to be working for me. Now I do have people who don’t like it- but it’s fair. And TBH it’s a very profitable way to do business. If I have some bomb ass shit that has 27% then I’m not selling as much of it as some not quite as good 22%. Looks like a fat sack and if you’re a cheap bastard there you go. But if you want my top shelf there also you go. It works across the boards on all products as well. Something to consider.
I was always under the impression edibles were sold by the dosage of cannabinoids present in the edible. At least in dispensary’s I know on the black market many people tried producing edibles in areas where I lived but couldn’t figure out how mine were always consistent and accurately measured out for the most part. 75mg of delta plus terpenes offers a hell of a ride for edibles especially if you eat two. Also very profitable when you break it down. 75 mg edible with terps will cost around 1-3 dollars to make the a resell value of 10-20
Why not apply this to all things cannabis? It makes more sense. I make really great edibles too and can’t keep them when I rock them out. Most of the “gummies” around here are jello based garbage. They will get you lifted but they tasted like ass.
I’m a firm believer in making meals and infusing into easily digestible fats with additives to aid in absorbtion. Also you can compliment certain foods with the right terpene profile to create a very flavorful experience.
I think part of the reason the rest of the medicine isn’t sold like that is because the cost to grow, and what other compounds are in the plant or concentrate. If it was sold by the active cannabinoids and terps present in the plant like edibles we would be paying upwards to 500-1000 an ounce of flower because of what is in it and what you can break it down.
Might as well stick with 10 mg doses in my opinion. Keep things consistent with the California rec market and you will get less confusion
Here in Ohio that’s how all our concentrates are labeled- the carts last week were reading XXmg/.1ml and I had some crumble that had a tiny scoop and was XXmg/scoop and 84 doses- live resin is the same way- it’s how much cannabinoids are in the unit, and then they break it down to dosages
Its 70% for carts what the regs for other forms of concentrates. Im gonna be moving there here shortly once the facility is built and will be the head of extraction and distillation. Were no going to be doing shatter etc, im just curious.
I believe it’s 70% for all forms- I haven’t seen anything more potent- I do seem to see a lot of “590mg” which leads me to wonder if it’s 60% for other stuff- or perhaps that’s 70% total cannabinoids- I don’t work in the mmj biz here, moving to WV for a hemp biz who’s moving into mmj there
For carts and edibles that’s do able but for other forms seems not to feasible.
Ya i saw the same type of pricing when i was there a month ago.
I had some crumble that was 60 bucks a gram- cheapest I’ve seen it
I’m not sure I follow your logic of how flower gets to 500 per oz. . If a strain is 20% then ballpark we have 1400mg per 7 gram qtr of typically cured flower. I’m suggesting setting your pricing based on accurate testing and active ingredient. Nobody is losing money on flower that I know, nor is my production cost anywhere near 500 per oz.
I came up with an algorithm to determine pricing for my seed to sale tracking dB, the main factor being test results.
Basically first you have to come up with a unit price for everything you test for. How much per mg of THC? How much per mg of CBD? For everything you test for…
Then you have supply and demand factors.
And bag appeal factor. And a few other things.
But it all required testing on every batch. And I can’t really justify doing that at my scale.
It is interesting to list unit price of THC with flower so people can see were the bargains are.
I ask customer how much they want to spend, not how much weight they want.
10mg/dose is fairly common UOM. I’d suggest sticking to multiples of that.
Ounce of flower will get you around 65 edibles at 75 mg if the cannabinoid content is at 20-25% and if pricing was done how pricing of edibles are done by how many mg of cannabinoids are present, the price would inflate.
If you have 65 edibles at 75 mg that you can sell for 10-20 dollars you’ll make around 650-1300 dollars. Break that down you are getting 130-260 dollars for every gram of cannabinoids sold.
I don’t know, I’ve paid $23 for a piece of Godiva chocolate. Kind of can’t ignore that it’s a different product. 75 mg and 65 mg is 4800mg of active ingredient at 20% - thc content at that would be 5600 mg. I bet your edibles are hella strong. You don’t like this idea and that’s cool. I appreciate the counter argument. I’m obviously not going to agree though. Peace!