I enabled @discobot who will help new users get oriented on the forum.
feel free to summon him using…
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
@discobot display help
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start new user
Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
@discobot scatalogical reference
dude, that’s some good shit! can you show me how you make it?
How do I start messaging? I am a new user
I am looking for help getting temps & pressure up on my roto evaporator. where would I start?
first, use the search tool to find a thread discussing rotery evaporators, post your question there. We try to keep this place tidey, i’ll point you in the right direction by sending you an invite to a disccusion relevent to your question.
@discobot display help
@KnowledgeSeth CBD SOP?
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @KnowledgeSeth display help
@discobot start new user
Is something supposed to happen?
Its @KnowledgeSeth now
@KnowledgeSeth start new user
@KnowledgeSeth start new user
@KnowledgeSeth start new user
@KnowledgeSeth display help
I currently know how to do the following things:
@KnowledgeSeth start new user
Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.
@KnowledgeSeth roll 2d6
3, 6
@KnowledgeSeth quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana
@KnowledgeSeth fortune
You may rely on it
@KnowledgeSeth start new user