New to the game / calculation on a ratio of pound of weed to Distillate

He started off telling everyone he’s a teenager and then when he started catching some heat only then he pushed his claimed age to the edge of what can be considered a teenager. It may have been dark when I was born but it wasn’t last night. When someone is 19 they don’t tell you they are teenager they hate that word by that point. There are enough warning signs for any reasonable person to take a step back and say hey this is just not right. To give you an example last year I had someone approach me and ask me to teach them how to synthesize a certain molecule and help them set up manufacturing. I find that molecule to be repugnant and even though I was offered enough money to where I can retire on I said absolutely no ,and they kept on upping the price trying to convince me up until the point I said not even for a 100 million, only after I made that statement I was left alone. You have to have a moral compass that tells you what is wrong and what is right and apparently we see things very differently and unfortunately you live in a bubble that you think something like this is going to be okay with the general public, but it’s not. Something like this could cause such a tsunami of problem in this business that it will drown all of us.


We should all be ashamed of ourselves

Your inferring a lot.

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How so?

You’re making a big assumption he’s under 19 here.

Don’t have a dog in this fight, don’t give a shit about your opinion.

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If you don’t give a shit why you responding? Seems like you’re somewhat contradictory. I got into this specific business because I knew some people that had cancer and I wanted to help. I think being a good person is important and I want to nachos help but also to cause no harm. I’m assuming most people do not want to cause harm especially to children. As such let me ask you, have you looked at any studies that shows what marijuana use does to the frontal cortex of brains that are not fully developed (kids… Older than teenagers actually) look it up perhaps you might start giving a shit. And if you still don’t then you truly are not worth a shit. Be a responsible human being and use the knowledge you have for good (I’m assuming you have some knowledge), a smart chemist can do a lot of good in this world and contribute to the betterment of humankind. Be smart, be benevolent.

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Ban @GummyChad just to be on the safe side


Again. I have no dog in this fight. Please kindly shove your opinion down someone else’s throat. I couldn’t give a fuck less

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Dear American People,

It’s come to my attention that this thread has made the national news. And since the nation is a big darn tootin audience, I’m here to let everyone know Im down to sell any 19 year olds any equipment they want! Come on down to kycbds teenagers only equipment club. We have discounts and fast shipping!


All advertising is good advertising :wink: and all legal tender can buy legal goods from me all day long idgaf how old u may be.

If you can by a carton of Marlboros, join the army, and buy a .50 bmg at 18, you sure as shit can by some gear from me


If you aren’t slinging CLS to grade school kids you are just leaving money on the table


I’ll never forget my buddy turned 18 the year they changed the cig buying age to 21 lol.


yeah, poking smot causes drain bamange, but I would posit that was his momma’s fault not ours.

if he can’t successfully ask the all knowing one for “distillate+yield”, WTF makes you think he’ll get any yield from his distillation attempts? there is a HUGE amount to be learned along the way…and OP has not demonstrated much in the way of “ability to absorb information”. best case scenario, he actually learns a marketable skill.

worst case? depends on how he decides to produce the required crude. which doesn’t even seem to be on his radar yet…

directing him to facebook would clearly be a better option all round…


You don’t read very fucking well if you’re getting upset. God help your customers if you have that level of comprehension. I’ll follow the flipper babies and know it’s your handiwork.

The thread was essentially “do some fucking research” and here you go all fucking Helen Lovejoy with it. WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!


And the op still hasn’t done a simple math problem
Even a guesstimate would be close it takes a half a second


Doesn’t matter how good the info is - if you’re dumb you’re dumb. Knowing ratio breakdowns = KINGPIN KNOWLEDGE (allegedly)


hey you! the one with the world class search skills…

here’s a fellow Canuck failing to profit from distillate with inputs in the $300-400 range. two years ago when distillate WAS worth more than $7g

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To be fair there’s no “I am 21 to enter” landing page


That would undoubtedly attract these threads x100000 - All I can think about is the ‘Do not do this at home…’ warning from Beavis and Butthead/Jackass while I was a kid.


For trim, around 5-7% usually.
For 23% THC flower, probably a little higher.

Some will get less. Some will get more.
But that’s a decent starting point at least.

pro tip: in case you failed to grok “hot dog water”


I like your subtle reference to “stranger in a strange land”

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