New summit research max rotovap 80 LPH!?!?!?

Im guessing most of you guys haven’t participated in a product launch in a formal corporate setting.


“Summit research”

“Formal corporate setting”



No the seals should be here on the 7th


If you listen to made up propaganda you end up not hearing it from the horses mouth.

I’m happy to explain in detail in video with it running. And how and why it works that way. But reading incompetent andrew Yoon make up shit becusee he’s funneled a shit ton of money into his new rotovap he can’t sell and I’ve already sold a container of my rotos and they haven’t even landed yet.

Also I do have videos of the original running on my phone. I have refused to post it and it shows in people’s anger. I did however show about 200 people the video at Vegas directly. I refused to post it because it looks different than the current model. And I didn’t want a older non current version posted. I enjoyed making people wait and reading the rediculous things they post because I won’t immediately post about it.

To say the least we got 15-20 liters every 15-20 minutes with the “appearance” of a product that has less balls than other people’s gear actually says alot about it’s performance. And how much energy others need to apply to get a lesser result. Results talk. And sell.

so, no proof and still more ranting? A lot of angry words won’t make anyone believe your claims on your rotovap. Proof will

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I’m not angry. I already said the seal and clamp comes from supplier on 7th to replace the lost ones during packup. I’m wondering why a money laundering con artist(who has threatened to sue the users of his gear if they tell people thier accident stories bases on the hardware he sells) is using speculation to slander my device I’ve created since he clearly doesn’t understand all the physics behind it and hasn’t seen it run and is scared he’s losing sales on his roto while mine are increasing.

Watch me get censored, blocked, and all my comments muted for telling the truth about someone. I get punished for being honest but there’s a group of people slandering me and my companies product who just get away with it. I’ll post the video and you girls can have a sewing circle over it and stroke each other’s denial and jealousy out. Here’s the photo from the test unit months ago, the original prototype everyone saw running in our shop. Just to prove how much of a liar chang is here’s your original pic. As you can see it’s not clean and I felt embaressed posting a incomplete and not final version.


Thermodynamics is thermodynamics

If you understood anything about evaporation youd know theres nothing you can do to reduce the energy required for Phase change…

Stomp your feet, make wildish claims all you want, it’s not going to change the math…

Why is it you and anyone associated with you always makes wild claims about summits products in this industry?

Must be summits business model


I think it appeals to a certain class of customer. Not trying to throw any shade but there are a lot of conspiracy theorists in this industry as anyone working in it could clearly observe, who believe education and science to just be a pack of lies. To someone of that mindset the idea of a rogue inventor who proves math and science wrong is very appealing. Most people here will freely admit they didn’t invent anything completely new and that most everything deployed in the industry is just applications of prior art. Elliot basically stands alone in claiming he invents everything in a vacuum with no dependence on any earlier work. Now we of course all like science on this forum so we understand the fallacy of that and the approach falls flat and looks silly. I imagine there is a large set of people who just believe that without question and say “who cares about math, I’m working with the new Tesla here.”


Exactly. I love how he tries to deflect but ignores the fact that other than a couple of people trolling him most people on this thread just keep asking for proof and calculations. But somehow consumers asking for normal data that all the major manufacturers provide (no I’m not talking about other companies in summits tier, I’m talking long standing biotech companies) on request makes someone a hater or a little girl.

Its really, really, really straight forward. Thermodynamics are a calculatable principle that govern evaporation and condensing processes. This isent the matrix, you cant just bend the rules with your mind because you’re “the chosen one” (which despite his fan club, summit is not).

I will say it again, even if summit can somehow prove he can “hit” 80L/hr that doesn’t prove anything scientifically. I want to see verification that his rotovap can do 80L/hr all day every day, like a proven falling film can. I could find a way to get a Honda civic to go 140mph but you’re sure as shit not going to get that result day to day.

Proof, just give us some damn proof. Not videos, not photos, not long winded rants without any real substance. Real, quantified, verifiable, and reproducable evidence You know, like an engineer or scientist.


Amen brother

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you can inform us of him with the facts…calling him human garbage and other names is just not needed. we understand you dont like each other. Just keep it to the facts.

This is like millionaires arguing with each other. Im looking forward to the videos. Other than that. Lets just post up the facts…leave all the name calling and petty shit at the door.


In fact, I’d like to reiterate the word “reproducable”. Generally in science just because you can do something in your own lab doesn’t mean its proven. These results he posts should be something that can be reproduced in other labs. If summits gear is the real deal then peer verification should be no problem.


Lmao you understand my point exactly

The calculations above are proven by several different manufacturers.

Bizzybees ffe uses 36 kw heating and 10 tons chilling and hits EXACTLY what that spread sheet says

Its scary accurate lmao

I love math tbh

I took calculus in HS and got a 97.7

Math is PROVEN and that’s what I love about it.

It’s crazy all the shit we can do because of math and science


The claims match the math exactly

The delta t calculations are probabaly a little off since I dont know the starting temp of their ethanol, but you can see 35kw of heating is needed JUST FOR PHASE CHANGE!!!

And that’s only at 45 gph / 174 lph

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For real though.

Us: “Your thermodynamics dont add up”

Him: “you dont know what you’re talking about!”

Science and engineering: “um bro”

The guy acts like distillation technology doesn’t go back to the middle ages. As though some how all the extremely intelligent engineers who work at all the companies in the world missed some kind of secret principle that only summit research knows. Give me a break…


Every chemical engineer I show this thread to has laughed hysterically.


I bet you a blunt Summit uses hexane instead of ethanol to hit 80 lph so hes not a complete liar



I called the shop and the girl who answered the phone said new rotos are a 4 - 6 week leed time and starting at 40k



My other question is if summit believes people should buy a rotovap that can supposedly do 20 gallons an hour for “a fair price”, then why is he trying to push an FFE?

I feel like theres been a long standing argument between him and the community about whether rotovaps and SPD can match WFE and FFE at scale. So why start down the FFE path if the new roto is claimed to hit 80L/hr for cheap?

Not to mention he is advertising said FFE as being more affordable than competitive FFE despite it being on sale for $75k without heater, chiller, and vacuum despite those ancillary components being quite expensive if you want to hit the high end of throughput on that instrument.