New summit research max rotovap 80 LPH!?!?!?

Hell, for that price Imma get one and I don’t even need a rotavac. And I don’t need a video or social media crap I can do my own damn calculations.

What ever happened to that video you were gunna post???

Come on man don’t tease like that…

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he is having trouble simulating it in after effects


With that things Vapor path, I’m really looking forward to the bump videos :popcorn::grimacing::popcorn:

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It’s just a diversion to call the shop. People call for the roto and get sold a diffusion pump cause he has no claims to back up the roto.

@spdking is this you :joy::tada::tada::tada::goat::goat::goat::goat:




Da’ bump fo sho!


wtf is going on here :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

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Called the Quick Bump Tek
Does like 30 Liters Per Minute


Quick Bump Tek, eh :rofl::rofl:
Man that is crushing the 80L/hr that’s advertised. Who do I give my money to?


Me i can teach you that tech for cheap, well kinda



Im dead. Great post lmfao

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We won’t ever see that video,

@spdking 3 weeks later still waiting

I’ll be back in office next week. We’ve all been on vacation basically. I can see you have a real hard-on to see my tech opperate. Luckily I’m not a asshole who runs my staff to the bone on holidays. Everyone always has thier own "expectation of schedule"when they aren’t responsible or in control of others time lines and schedules. If you really can’t wait for me to release the video well, you can kick rocks for all I care and keep pushing your flawed narrative that will make you look foolish back at everyone here.

Our crates showed up a day or two before Xmas, and we had to repack to Tacoma and then take a week off for vacations. And your sitting here counting weeks…must be exciting for you.

Thank God I ran this in a lab and in the shop for a week so people who actually don’t waste my time and respect my work were able to come in and watch it opperate. It must be insane having those feelings that you can’t wait to see new tech opperate that you have to make up a random narrative because you aren’t patient.

It’s okay. When I post the videos it will seriously quiet up every naySayer talking smack. Untill then on my schedule I go… (Inb4) But i do anticipate a pathetic responce from someone here how my schedule is bullshit and I should be working on someone else’s opinion about schedules. Obviously. Maybe some more pathetic false commentary being made up by some low rent insult agents on here that will clearly make them look stupid when I release the video I’ll be working on this week most likely.

The best part is. The longer I wait the dumber some of you look. So really it doesn’t matter to me.

So what I’m really hearing you say is… when i upload a video in time frame of my roto working you’ll go on here and write up a in depth and long winded appollogy for your childish and selfish behavior while blindly insulting me and slandering my products on this forum?? Ok im excited about that now. As a man of my word you’ll see my video, and as a man of your word if expect a lengthy appollogy - have a wonderful remainder of your weekend. I know I will :-).

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Has anyone done the thermodynamics to even see if he has enough heating power to hit 80l an hour with ethanol?

I’ll go do it right now if no one has


Not sure how many KW the heater is on that thing, but your need 16 kw for 80 lph with ethanol.

I call BS

He might have a 5 kw heater

Theres a certain amount of energy required for phase change

You can use vacuum to lower the boiling point so itll boil at room temp, vacuum will not reduce the energy required for phase change though


That looks like a nice table, I’m guessing you just plug in the variables and the computer does the math then?

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You can pretty much adjust any value in the table

This thing is accurate too

Bottom line is theres no way hes hitting 80lph with 5kw heating