New Stock Gummy Recipes

Hey all :v: After getting a lot of requests from folks on this forum for stock gummy recipes that were more accessible than full custom product dev, I sat down with our formulations scientist and fleshed out 2 excellent stock gummy recipes/SOPs (1 gelatin, 1 vegan).

These are detailed, step by step instructions from compounding to cooking to pouring to curing, that provide (almost) anyone the ability to create high quality, shelf stable gummies. We also include supplier lists and recommendations on everything from refractometers to kettles to molds (hint: latter one being ours). That means significantly more scalable, shelf stable, and all around higher quality gummies than the DIY recipes you’ll find online at only a fraction of the cost of custom formulation.

DM me or hit us up on Instagram for more info @darkcitymolds :sunglasses:


kind sir, is there a charge for this generous gift of gummy wisdom? If so, may I ask the amount?


What are you charging for this? This stuff is all covered in Need gummy recipe (recipe inside) for free.

Stability is pretty simple, keep your ph below 3.4… sour coat is a cheap way to get stability.


Cost per sop?

I got a gelatin recipe that works great, I’ll share for free if anyone wants DM me


I’ve posted several free gummy recipes on here as have multiple others, I’d love to get yours @El_Zoro to see if I can take it to the next level =)


@El_Z @anon1342 notice the amount of water I use in my recipe, the one I posted in that thread? It’s 2X the amount found in other recipes found on this forum…potassium sorbate will get you to 8 months without a coating even if the water content is high= LUSH Gummies that can be chewed with your tung. Trick is dont make more than you sell in a month.
If I made and sold 1000s of bages a day… I I’d check out the recipe @darkcitymolds is offering , after testing his results first. Damn sure not over the net!

But I Would Like Me Sum TEXAS gummie molds. For sure :wink:

@darkcitymolds I would like to have your recipe for personal non commercial use.

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What do you mean by coating? I switch between potassium sorbate and not potassium sorbate depending on who they are for and how long I think they will last. Potassium sorbate works wonders but is there a different way to preserve?

Shit I left a batch of open gummies in my old ass basement for like a year by accident and they formed no mold or anything whatsoever.

Well it looks like you want get it from this dude.
Use the search function or the links in the above post…99% of everything you need to know. …I still need TEXAS molds…I payed <$2 per 50 piece mold…its hard to justify the cost of $2k disigne and 150ish molds @ 160 bucks each…talk me into it …so I can relay it to my wife

Just potassium sorbate…want do that…that takes other measures or luck.


copy that. Also, I notice my blue gummy molds perform 3x better than my red molds, despite their age :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hello, I’m trying to get a brand started and need to get the very best equipment and setup for distillate connections and edibles. Any advice is greatly appreciated :pray:

would love to try it!

I am brand new to this forum, I am very interested in a gelatin recipe.

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2nd reply in this thread has the link.


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Welcome to the future @PharmD!

The search engine will reveal much info. Try reading this thread first:


Thank you!! I am a pharmacist and do a TON of pharmaceutical compounding. I am working on a few products to help a couple of my patients. Truly appreciate your help!

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FYI your risking you license compounding cannabinoids as a Pharmacist.
Be safe, licenses dont come easy.