Fixed. Pre/Post Processing


The game is changing. Great info def gana try this how difficult is obtaining the Noah and naci?


That’s NaOH and NaCl :slight_smile:

Red Devil is NaOH, and Nackle (NaCl) is table salt…


The use of a sep funnel to do acid-base chemistry might have already been done in this group. Try searching to see if anyone else has tried it. Synthetic chemists normally do this to remove any undesired water soluble compounds prior to chromatography. Only issue you might run into is residual water in your organic layer. This can be removed by putting sodium sulfate into the organic layer and letting it sit until there is no water present.

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Red devil ?
Whats that something like drano ?
To solve clogged up sewage pipes ?

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the concept of “food grade” NaOH escapes me…

but look what the all knowing one has to offer when asked for “Red Devil NaOH” :wink:



We have a debatable subject !
To You the all knowing one is the web
To me iT s You :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


This is what ive use as drain cleaner for years…lol. Mine is food grade for making sourdough pretzels. Real Sour dough prezels are supposedly acid washed in NaOH. Real 99%+ Lye is the best drain cleaner…that stuff will just about dissolve any organic matter is seconds.


NaOH and NaCl are lye and table salt… they can be sourced many places just make sure you find NaOH that is 100% lye only.

Many have tried the base extraction THCA off of organic solvent extracts. works ok, but the recovery is terrible. I think the patent say 65%, i hear it is more like 30-40%, and purity is a real issue.


are they doing it in a liquid-liquid emulsion like this or they doing it after the extract is refined and purged? @shinyemulsion


I wonder why the yield could not be increased by just taking the remaining solvent layer with the remainder of the extracted THCA/THC and purging it as normal?

Well i yust did iT
Hexane/crude washed with Brine/lye/water
Some cannabinoids jumpen to water/lye and Some stayed in the hexane
Will keep rinsing 2x times to check yield
Then also proces hexane to see yield
Damn No. Inhouse analitics is a bitch


did you use a separatory funnel? Did it form 3 layers or still only 2?

This sounds like an exploit of the common ion effect. The THC-A(-)Na(+) salt is too polar for the organic layer, and there is already too high of a concentration of Na(+) in the aqueous layer thanks to the NaCl. Thus the THC-A salt has no where to go and crashes out.

Others have said the yield isn’t as good as the patent claims. They are probably right. Patents in the chemical industry are typically written as vaguely as possible to cover as much IP as possible. With some tinkering you might be able to match the yield they claim.

Tree layers
Middel one is murky. Botom fairly clear top is redish clear

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Pretty confident the hexane layer is still full of cannabinoids

Maybe try washing the organic layer three times with aqueous NaOH at the specified pH range. Then add NaCl to the combined aqueous layers until the organic salt crashes out? This would simplify executing multiple washes, but I’m not sure how effective salting out later will be vs. starting out with basic brine.

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any updates? Try purging the murky layer Roguelab?

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three phase solution is sloppy