New Live Terpene Strains $3.50-$4 per ml

Fresh live terp drop! Pure, potent, clean, and budget-friendly. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your formulations while saving big.

Whether you’re in R&D, formulation, or purchasing, I’ve got a wide range of fresh strains that will make your vape products stand out. Pricing as low as $3.50 per ml by the liter. DM if interested.

Strains available:
. Guava
Agent Orange
Forbidden Fruit
The Pink
Banana Daquiri
Lemon Skunk
Blue Dream

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I take it these are CDTs? Offering samples to some of the terpene reviewers here may help your cause!

CDT for $3.50/4ml? that’s skeptical

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I can believe the price. Weird strains


Not sure why but i can’t connect with your website

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Back in town and around to reply to the chat. Can get a few 2ml strains out to you for formulations. These are live flower terps and water clear. If interested DM and we can go from there.

The site is under construction. Hopefully programmers have it back online in the next few days.

We offer our terps at fair and reasonable prices. We are not greedy… Nothing to be skeptical about. If interested in checking out samples keep me posted in DM. Thanks.

I’m waiting to see some of the trusted people on this site to review these terps before I try to order any.


Dm sent

Don’t know if you consider me trusted but I review most of the terpenes here. He’s got some in the mail for me. Will fill everyone in.

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Got the terpenes in today. They snell fantastic! What ratio do you recommend? Botanical ive used 7-10%.

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These terpenes are quality, that being said that are from terplandia. Not necessarily a new supplier to this forum. Didn’t realize I guess or I missed the connection.

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Awesome! Great they made it that quick. Depending on how strong you want to terps to come through 6-8% terp cut by volume. Some customers go as high as 9% however its a fine line to over terp the formulation. Always recommend to formulate a few small batches at different terp cuts to dial in your desired taste and aroma.

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Isn’t that Abstrax HDT line or something?

9% is crazy

9% is nothing compared to the people i’ve seen running %s in the high 10-14% mark its nasty.

Thats great you received them just as quick. Finally the postal service doing their job. Thanks for the initial feedback as well. The terps are quality. They formulate amazingly especially vape applications. Looking forward to additional feedback from samples you make.

Ill give 5% a try and see how they are.

this seems very vague. Can you please give a bit more details?