Hey guys! Just wanted to drop some pics and info about our newest ovens. You can individually adjust the temperature of each shelf! They are conductance heated shelves. This oven is 18 CU FT. Has a total of seven shelves. We can include a cold trap for terpene capture as well. Let me know what you guys think! Holler if you need some serious purging power in your lab.
Price? We just purchased a large oven last week lol
These units are going for 14,000 out the door with discounts on multiples. Thanks for the interest!
Why does the title say 18cu and the post say 16cu?
Simple typo, it’s 18 cubic feet. Sorry about that!
Sorry to pop on here and do this but I have a connection for vacuum ovens that can beat that 14k price for 16 cubic feet ovens, they build every size and sell them for 50-75% less then the competition. This 16.0 oven is 14k I can get them for 7-8k for singles, message me on here and I’ll get you hooked up.
Bummer you can only edit the title
Derpppppp lol
I’d love to check them out. They come with a warranty and support if anything breaks? Individually heated shelves? Delivered to your door? We’re trying to build a name as a transparent company, so in the spirit of transparency we do not make these in house. Anything stainless and pressure rated is our in house manufacturing specialty, ovens are not. They are manufactured by a partner company up the street from us and we’re just trying to deliver them the cheapest of the suppliers. I haven’t seen prices anywhere near 8k not even direct from the manufacturer. I’d love to see a proforma invoice for an 18 cu ft oven with conductance shelves, a warranty and stateside support, delivered.
The ovens come with individual heated shelves on sizes 3.2 up to 16.0 I do believe they come with a warranty and they are shipped directly to your door either Express or by freight. Each shipping method has a different shipping cost, they are chinese manufactured and my guy Jack and his company has technical support and can answer any questions and fix any problems that may occur, no one who has ever boughton them has had an issue with any ovens. These do come from china manufacturer but it does not mean the quality it garbage, they are as good or better then an across international or any brand similar.
Bigger models come standard with individual heated shelves then they throw in extra shelves to make the shelving space double for free and they come with kf25 ports and metal tubing to hook up to pumps. They come with vacuum port and a second port for whatever.
I have a China supplier for vacuum ovens that price beats any other company’s and the quality of the ovens are the same or better and the added accessories which most companies make you pay for come with the oven like extra shelves and kf25 clamps and gasket and metal tubing for pump and they also have coldtraps for the ovens available as well
What’s cost on a 3.2? How many shelves? @Boshankers
I’ll get back to you because there is two different cost one by Express or by sea
Sorry everyone e I made a mistake on the 50-60% less then the competition, there Leicester have recently gone up slightly and are only around 25-30% lead then the competition I flagged my post due to the Incorrect information I posted want to make sure I’m not sending the wrong message to anyone
Make your own thread rather than trying to undersell the orig poster. Not cool
Or call cema yourself and talk to jack
I dont up charge any of the cema products from Jack, me and jack have done business for a long time and I am here just to push their products to anyone who is in need. I’m just another representative for cema here in the states that can acquire anyone any of there products at the best price possible, I dont benefit directly just strengthening my relationship with cema and jack directly and to get anyone hooked up with a great product at the best price in the industry
I’d love to see that proforma invoice with delivery to my door, warranty and stateside support @Boshankers
I hate continuing to post on this post and should have posted somewhere else but I figured since competition is always good for business for everyone, a true business person knows this lol. There is no state side support other then me, they do have direct support line worh them over there but I would be the only one state side that would be able to help with support, as for a warranty there is typically a one year warranty on oven and all parts. I will confirm that, I am just a one man show doing this from home just trying to get those who want to get hooked up directly to manufacturers for a cheaper price, what @GreenMachine_Consult provides for the cost is a great deal can’t argue there, your providing what looks like great product with I can only assume a great warranty and state support for someone paying that extra is worth all those extras your provide and for others what I can provide is right up there ally. My target goal is to help the smaller companies and smaller guys who dont have as much capital to get a great quality product similar to yours, I’ll have my guy send me over an Invoice showing cost of everything as fast as I can.