Never Used Extraction Lab Equipment for Sale (Air Tank, C1D1, Dual Pass Short Path)

pulling for potential buyer

Price drops on all items. All are unused.

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Do you know if the IPS distillation skid takes 3 phase electrical, or just 250V single phase?

The IPS distillation skid utilizes three phase 208Y.

Do you still have the extraction booths? What is your current price?

Yes, I still have HAL booths available at 29k each, fully crated and unused.

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Do you know if these specific models are modular? In particular Could we remove a section and make it shorter?

I do not think so. I have not seen anything that leads me to believe that you could take sections out and still have it be fully functional.

Still available? Does it come with everything needed (control panel, sensor, suppression, beacon, lighting, etc)

Do you still have the HAL booth’s available?

They are modular. The smallest you can do is a 10’x10’ (3 panels wide) and the largest HAL offered was ~20’x10’ (7 panes wide). I used to work at HAL, and handled all their installations. If you have any more questions shoot me a message, happy to help.

If you still have a booth I am definitely interested