Nepalese heighland terps

I bought the biomass a while back
This is Nepal 1.40€ a kg and supplying the seeds and equipment needed
Average yield on a acre is low yet they produce 3 MLN KG year approx
This was about 20 acres but on mountain terrain that’s difrent


Gives an idea of the trade there


while I was in India I was told that hash was invented in the mountains of India/Nepal. They would roll buds around in there hands and scrape off the resin with there finger nails. Clean out there nails and voila! “Fresh” hand hash!

Also, what are the regulations involving terpenes?

What are the safety levels for contaminants etc?

Since no one is using more than about 10% would it be different from cannabis regs?

I would imagine so since it’s really an additive and not the main “ingredient” in formulations.

I’m about to have some canna terps sent to a lab as well and am curious.

If anyone has a link that would be much appreciated

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we used to get the hand rubbed charas over here during the early 2000s it used to come in stick and ufo shapes.was a lovely tasting smoke and high but probably not too sanitary due to grey beard hairs and faeces :nauseated_face:
the good menali had a similar taste and high but seemed more processed than hand rubbed.


I’d love to try a sample of these. maybe I’ll trade you some of my special terps if you’re interested :wink:


Sounds like I need some ur “special” terps also :rofl::joy::rofl: bet I have something in my vault that might intrigue you


I would also love to try a sample of these, trade?


Look who the cat dragged in. Lol. Hope you had a good vacation!


Right?! :rofl::joy:


What was the hint? I missed it


The hint was to steam still acres of outdoor. The steaming process does not impact cannabanoids much, and the cost of cannabanoids is lower than the cost of terps anyway.

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yo hit me up

Yust did :+1:

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It probably took me 30 kilos to make 50 ml


Then the equipment your using is wrong. @colombiabeneficial already showed his extractor. I’d look back at every post that guy made and you can dial it in too.


That’s like me telling you you’re smoking your distillate wrong.

FYI I ran cured trim that was a year old. My live batch had over double the yield


Terpene distillation yield varies wildly on based on terpene content of the biomass. Shit outdoor can be super low on content, and bulk steaming is usually inefficient. Steam distilling 30 kilos of primo fresh-cut indoor in small batches should get you minimum 500-750mL if not better.

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Steam distillation can produce a good product, but there are downsides to deal with. Your only real option after is to extract for distillate because it decarbs the material, drying sopping wet flower is a bitch, and ethanol extraction results in super gummy crude. It’s by far most profitable for a company that’s vertically integrated, growing their own material and using the terps for a value-added product.

You said it took 30kg to make 50ml. That’s 70lbs or so.

Maybe I worded it wrong. The equipment your using might be using might not be the most efficient. :man_shrugging:t3:

How long did it take you? Is this in your oven?

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I grew some kathmandu nepal landrace seeds this year and they were raunchy and musky as ever, that “ewww” smell that u just keep coming back to. Id love to try a bit to see if it represents similar to what i grew