Need trim or crude

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

@Saulp2494 you don’t have clean crude!!


We’re just gonna flag the shit out of it


You need to cough up that man a refund.


That’s the interesting thing about this forum people buy from the wrong people then turn around and cry foul play! What did you expect :thinking::joy:

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There is/should be a code amongst us.

Reason why I stand behind anything I grow, make, or sell. Even equipment I sell.


Yeah, my mistake there. I thought since you can’t get verified for thc and everyone has to start somewhere…

Turns out reputation in our industry is much more important than any words/preconceptions.

Won’t make that mistake again but want to double warn people. I know a lot of people like myself look for thc related products in their networking. Not everyone, myself included, is smart enough to only deal with reputable parties ALWAYS from the getgo. Sorry for complaining, I know I sometimes message people based on old comments and wanted to try and save any unsuspecting crude buyers from making the novice mistake I made.

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I for one I’m Not Annoyed for your post, just get frustrated when people see a warning sign pointing to thin Ice and they still choose to skate hoping they make it to the end. I started a thread about spotting Scammers & Fraudulent people on this forum to my surprise just 2 people viewed it. Like I sad not angry just laughed and moved on.

Even the best scammers and rippers hide among us. One never knows until it’s too late.



How much are you guys charging to process hemp to crude? Is it by dry bio weight or by finished liter?