Need 20-40 lbs of Fire hemp flowers under 250/ea

If you got it, dm please- has to be pretty and stinky- could be weekly if I get it right


Shit I want this too


It’s out there, just need it quick, don’t wanna lose the dude

Me too

I got the hook up! Dm me.

I got this no problem. DM for COAs and pictures

I can get you some really solid stuff. I got samples I can overnight tomorrow. What’s your email I will send you the COAs and pictures thanks!

Who has total thc compliant indoor hemp? Cbd or cbg? Thanks


Also looking for this

Where are you located?

interested aswell, price ?

Southern Oregon, Ashland area.

DM me for a list of what we have available and prices.

Lifter and Hawaiian Haze 250 per lb only 1500lbs left

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I keep buying that trash on the NY black market. $10 gram. I’m starting to be able to smell the lack of THC but always buy it anyway because I want to be wrong. Might start composting it.

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wont let me dm but interested in menu, please send me a message, thank you