Nanos homogeneity problem

Hello all, i had a liter to be processed into nanos powder and it was separated into 7 kilos all ranging in different thc concentration from 9.7%-7.4%. I was hoping they would have came back homogenized but they were not. Any quick tips on how to mix these thoroughly and properly for a homogeneity test?

V blender

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Looks a little too serious and I probably couldn’t get one by tomorrow. we will not be using these people service again in the future. My idea (probably a bad one) was to add water and mix all the bags together and then freeze dry the product to remove the water. I’m not sure if just mixing with a normal blender would be sufficient

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That would work as long as you’re very comfortable freeze drying it completely. Keeping the nanoemulsion stable through that process isn’t quite as easy especially depending on how it was done the first time. It will likely work to a degree giving a powder but then you may notice oil drops when redissolved.

How about a food grade bucket and shake it for like an hour with lots of flips?


I’ll give that a go, get it tested for homogeneity and report back, thank you.