Nano Water Stable THC Powder and Distillate

This product is being sold L2L in CA.

I’m curious what beverage, edible and infusion manufacturers would agree is current wholesale market value in bulk…I’ve been asked to get the word out there…so if you’re licensed and interested hit me up and I’ll you what price it’s been offered to me at



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This available

That’s a very low load rate. Our water soluble powder is an average of 272 mg/g. I guarantee ant that potency it tastes terrible.

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how do you make it? need to find a sop for the powder.

Do you still have access to water soluble D9?

Make your nano emulsified mix and spray vap it. Theres a lot of info on it just look up any industry that dries things to powders, milk, pharamecuticals off the tip of my head.

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