Myclium Cultivation on Brown Rice Substrate

Mycelium Cultivation on Brown Rice Substrate has anyone tried it? All the host defense brand products use brown rice as the substrate.

BRF cakes or PF Tech.
They are super easy and quick.

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Brown rice is labor intensive. I would suggest rye berries as a fruiting medium for closed grow bags or for better S2B. It’s also more forgiving with moisture content.

Brown rice isn’t as scalable with costs and labor.

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Uncle Ben tek ftw


seems low labor lol buy sterile rice from the store, inoculate. go.

Paul Stamets products are all brown rice mycelium based…


Im trying to grow lions mane on straight cooked brown rice. I just cooked some brown rice, rinsed it really well to try to remove as much starch before cooking and an after. To try to make it less sticky. Sterilized it in my instapot, injected lions mane after it cooled down. I’ll report back in ten days or so we’ll see how the jar colonizes.

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I’ve done UncleBens Tek a few times, each with multiple successful flushes. However I prefer bigger rye grain bags now. But for the time it was a quick accessible way to learn Mycology.


glad im headed in the right direction

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Try the off brands of Uncle Ben’s too, they have less moisture content and work even better! Counterintuitive I know…


I concur, Aldi’s instant brown rice was my flavor of choice.


Welcome to the future @MiSTERNiCE. We look forward to your stories of grains and rice!


Tried this for the first time with sterile brown rice and its ridiculously easy. Tried with four bags of rice, 500 microliters of liquid culture, micropore tape over the free air exchange holes, and have mycelium growth in all four bags. I was obsessive with spraying 70% IPA on my gloves and table surface and sterilized my needle every time it went into the bag

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download (2)


MRE I tried a few years ago, too much sauce and preservation tech with their pouches. This was 2020. Issued the brown rice containing goulash. Nothing grew after I opened it a few months later.

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I’m new here, but not new to mushrooms.
Brown Rice is a good place to start, but it’s full of arsenic.
Even the best organic stuff. It’s the nature of the plant, but still be sure to get organic Brown Rice. if you need a bulk supplier, dm me.

You can alao DM if you need any help along the way.
full disclosure: I am trying to get my consultations up, but not trying to sell you anything. I just love mushrooms.



Welcome to the future @ritualmycology! Great point about the rice!


Switched to whole oats awhile back. Hard as hell to fuck up, mycelium seems to like it. Dirt cheap, hard to overcook.

The question you want to ask yourself is… What else is growing in there.

I’ve consumed mycelium but I’ve always felt a bit wary and wondered what can go wrong.