I don’t have lab stuff and I’m a noob let’s be honest now lmao is there a way to remove the smell and or what is it ?its like a floral smell
Floral smell may be residual Terps from swapping flasks too soon.
Or a dirty jar/flask was used and got contaminated that way.
Any way to remove or do something about it
Maybe check this out: I make terrible distillate....why? - #184 by JHI
I still don’t get it is there a way to heat it to remove the smell or how can I do this at home
you gotta distill it again. if you can’t do that you can try letting it sit on heat with no lid for a while. if that doesn’t work you’re probably better off masking the smell with some terps.
You think just heat bath at what temp? Or you think sunlight helps more and how much terp you think
Yes… but under vacuum, you got some reading to do
Bless me please I’ll buy a vaccum tommorow send me the link or sum
Hey man so if your disty is stinky its likely contaminated with som degraded lite terpenes, it happens easily and often. heat it up however you can best do that (warm-hot water bath is good) and stir it for a while while its hot - this will purge out any of those lower boiling impurities that may be in there.
this will also have the negative side effect of darkening your distillate, so use your best judgment as to when you might want to stop.
So when you say “my distillate”, you mean the distillate you purchased?
Did you not stick your nose in it first?
What is your goal?
Have you had it tested for potency?
Residual Solvents?
Long story short homie blessed me I’m just tryna fix wtih what I got. Like I said I don’t know much but I know this distill is off but if Low bath works or heat and it will help remove it. I’m down any more pointer or ways
Doesn’t answer “what is your goal”?
You planning to huff it?
Make eddibles?
Add terps and make carts?
Is this personal use?
Does darkening it mean you loose $$.
Would love to help, but you’re not making that easy…
Edit: or maybe the a-la-cart menu: Search results for 'distillate smell' - Future4200
I’m goin yo make syringes with it and add terps for resale. If not edibles
I mean the dark doesn’t kinda matter if it does lmk and if it doesn’t let me know as well
I’d suggest you have your buddy fix it, but I suspect the supply chain is longer than that.
Which probably means that it really needs third party testing to know what’s in it. I imagine it also makes the probability of that happening extremely remote.
Most folks asking about odors in distillate are not dealing with anything remotely “floral” in nature. “Burnt rubber” is the most common description.
Im suspicious that you may not be dealing with poorly produced distillate, but rather with something that has been cut. If you have access to everclear (190 proof), try dissolving a gram in 5mls and show us the results. If you can’t source 190, you can substitute 91% isopropanol.
Without basic lab equipment there is not much you can do other than
Adding vac will help.
Cheapest vacuum you can acquire would be a water aspirator, thingverse probably has one you can print. Harbor freight also as a ~$100 unit that will get the job done.
If it the burnt rubber smell now that you say that what can I do from there
read. This thread. From the top. Twice.
read some of the threads hit by the search query you were handed. Not the hits. The threads.
do as @YeahBet suggests.
get tested for Covid, because you’ve lost your sense of smell if you can’t tell “burnt rubber” from “floral”.
Yo you were a grasshopper to once cut me some slack if it’s the rubber smell what’s up
See above…
I don’t see how it can be made any more clear…
If it’s stinky, especially if “burnt rubber” describes it well, then it is most likely degraded terpenes. Which happens during distillation.
A second round of distillation is the correct solution. As you can’t achieve that, heating and stirring is all you’ve got. Vacuum would help.
Strangely enough, you’re not the first to run into this problem, and the question has been answered repeatedly…checking out some of the other threads in which it has been explored should be informative.