Mushrooms on Mars?

Well there is only 200 billion SUNS aka stars in our galaxy alone…planets w each star aka sun…also there is about 200 billion galaxies…u do the math
Next the galaxy is filled w red drawfs stars we can’t see bc the light scale our eyes see and they ain’t bright enough…turn the switch to light up all the red draawfs in the sky and we’d have 80% more dots aka stars aka suns up in the sky…mind blogging.
The calculations say there should be about 10,000 civilizations like ours in our galaxy alone if life is even so super precious its .001% .

Now through in the chances of life on a moon near gas giant…bam just blew ur mind bc thats a whole other category toss in there




Funny you bring up the stoned ape theory. I had that same thought while I was on mushrooms once.

I have this theory… This really insane theory that autism is the last living link of Neanderthal. … Like what if the people who have legitimate Neanderthal DNA pass down the genetic abnormality down as a survival trait. Like what if the autistic brain is the ideal psychological brain of curiosity. What if the repetitiveness and the unwilling to change and the mostly mechanically inclined thoughts are there because they’re technically living DNA of Neanderthal…

What if psilocybin trips can help with low functioning autism…


Funny you mention this. Im an aspie and have about 5% neanderthal in me.

I microdose 250mg of mushies a day, for the past 3-4 months. And my life has improved immensely. I can break out of repetitive behavior and change things i dislike about myself.

Before microdosing i was not able to do such a thing.

edit: obviously anecdotal and i just thought it was cool how it correlates to what groovy was proposing.


Do you notice a tolerance with daily microdosing?

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None at all.

edit: @IonStorm i do like to push it to 1-1.5g but i will always start with 500mg doses and work my way up. I never dose my mushrooms all at once, raw or extracted.

further edit: just PE ground up into chocolates. I have some albino avery, and enigma, and malabars. I just dont know how to microdose those strains at all.


I think that’s not Elon, he is busy with DOGE lol

Interesting. Ive always wondering how the effects range from strain to strain. The ones I take now have a heavy body relaxation and lots of energy and euphoria. I wish there was more data on tolerance. Some swear you should only dose once every 3 days. But being water soluble I would think after 24 hours your system looses tolerance. I also find macrodosing does wonder to break through negative though cycles. Literally a physic sledge hammer battering down decades of negative though loops in the form of rigid synaptic connections.



9 half lives out of the system, 5 for drug effect to clear. is this correct?

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i agree with this and my enigma strain 1g = 2g-3g so im wondering if 1.75 would be a breakthrough dosage with this strain.


@IonStorm take to dms i gotta go on a. date but this is a very interesting to me


Life forms don’t exist alone. Those mushrooms are consuming something. It seems only reasonable that there would be a web of life forms interacting, and we are only seeing one.


it is hard to grow fruiting body’s without h20


I have mild autism /high functioning aspergers and I was on psilocybin when I thought of the Autistic Neanderthal connection.

Coincidentally, when I was on LSD one time, my girlfriend and I (she wasn’t tripping)made ribs on the grill.

I will never forget wanting to share some of my ribs but I was thinking to myself “I gotta survive the winter” and I felt like a straight up cave man eating those ribs. It felt natural like I was supposed to feel like a cave man and at the same time felt like I was eating survival food. It was weird.

Last edit : I think that fully grown psilocybin could be better for micro dosing than the usual cut before the veil. Less intense. The only time I ever got it right they fruited all the way.


Grow them all the way out past the veil. Once you grow past a certain point with psilocybin you start to lose potency because it starts to get ready for the reproductive phase. . Eat them in between wet and dry. Eat a very small amount.

Dude this enigma strain, its fruits are pure blue with 4-po just BUSSIN. I tried out 2g and it felt iike a 7g PE trip. I know NOTHING about mycology but i want to get into it to just grow this particular fruit.


I’ve always thought that autism was due to a lack of selection for meaningful traits thats occurs in a civilized society. In the modern world people only breed for love or convenience and in a lot of cases that means undesirable traits start to build up in the population.


Let’s just say it’s a mismatch of traits, meaningful and not meaningful depends on the outlook of the viewer looking inwards.

Because put it this way an autistic person that’s low functioning that poops himself and that needs a caregiver,could also be an amazing artist. While a high functioning autistic person could be a fully independent living mechanical engineer with perhaps another co-morbid illness…


Very interesting thought(s) :exploding_head:

I have to agree with much of this, especially the fact that space is “too much to grasp for our feeble minds”. I feel like the more I learn, the less I know; as much of what I had “known” is no longer truth.


I can say that having gone to Catholic school K-12, we were taught that murder is a mortal sin, & that suicide is essentially “murdering” yourself, and is therefore also a mortal sin.
I’m no longer a practicing Catholic it was due to my family, (whom I love dearly, despite the fact) that I became involved with the church at all. I don’t like the fact that I was basically brainwashed as a young child, & to this day I still experience guilt that I know I should not. But I digress… I don’t believe in putting all of these labels on things, & acting as if everything is black & white, with no grey area.
However it “got in there” (suicide being a mortal sin), whether it be the government, or being force-fed this as “fact” since you were 5 years old in my case, it’s just wrong, in my opinion. One should decide for themselves how they feel about such a thing, I suppose. I don’t know exactly how it should be presented to a young person, but I don’t think what was done to me, & millions of other children, is appropriate.