Wondering if anyone has any experience with cannabinoids and multiple myeloma. I’ve asked the all knowing one, and it looks like a lot of people have tried rso and/or cbd with some results. However, I’m looking for any tips from real life experience.
I watched my step dad suffer this nasty condition until it took him 13 years ago. I had always begged him to try marijuana in alternative to pain killers, but he refused on principle of legality, and he was hooked on the opiates. Now my mom’s boyfriend’s dad has it, and is going through his seventh month of chemo. I doubt he will be interested in anything with thc in large amounts, but I would like to give a try in talking him into trying some cbd dominant products for starters.
I just learned about his condition today, so I don’t really know any specifics yet as to stage of progression or types of treatment yet. Does anyone have any pointers on treating multiple myeloma such as dosage or blends of cannabinoids?
Any discussion on the topic would mean a lot, as this is a nasty cancer-like disease with very poor outlook for anyone that gets it. It would be overly hopeful to expect a cure, but an improvement of quality of life in the later stages would at least be a good start.