More Smokable Flower

Where’s that stuff been hiding

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what strain of cannabis is this?

Something for everyone:)

Not cannabis its fake weed(hemp) grown indoor up in Oregon.


I prefer cbd and cbg flower over THC flower. My absorption levels of the THC, cbd, and cbg is extremely high, and my tolerance is super low anyway (thank my mother’s genetics). I take special herbs and substances to increase my absorption of cannabinoids and other plant medicines. THC makes me super groggy even after sleeping for 8 hours. I know a lot of people esp boomers that want the pain relief but not the high.


I’ve got customers for that “fake weed” if it indeed looks like that. Hook me up. I need 100 lbs of it.

I’ve never tried hemp on purpose. I guess I’m curious about the effects of cbg.

For myself I’m not sure if it’s because it has significantly less total thc or because it’s CBG and not CBD, but I have some of “the white” CBG flower and it is uplifting and as clear headed as it gets.

Again though selling it to retail stores is tough, they don’t think it’s worth more per unit, and I don’t know if it really is either

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Hemp is cannabis. Same plant, made up federal designation (hemp vs. Marijuana).


I’m all for all of it, as long as everybody is honest, but if I see this in my town as weedy weed, I’ll know somebody’s robbing peter trying to be a baller like paul

Cool, I’m good with “real weed” and “fake weed” label.


Is the flower machine or hand trimmed, looks good. We may be interested: