Moonroocks Weed

Dope. Good idea. I’m gonna buy like a 700 dollar qp of fire and dip it in melted thca then dust it with thca snow . Gonna be cray


How can you use hemp isolates in the CA Rec market with METRC?

Thca isolate. You make it from bho


On reddit you will have the same amount of luck

On r/fakecartridges when i lurked/memed on there, the same issue was happening. Randoms messaging you for stuff and randoms messaging you if you want stuff.

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Nah bruh you gotta melt down traditional dist, get some bud rotted hemp we can’t sell, dip in the pesticides first then in the distillate, add a tad bit of hooker spit on it, then let it “harden” and coat in MORE hooker spit with only a pinch of THCA isolate and then a LOT of CBG isolate.

course thats the hard way

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@rocksteady was talking about cbd and cbn isolate though.

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Thca would still be fire, different strokes for different folks, I’m into full spectrum shit more then mass amounts of d9 personally, but it’s all more or less the same lol

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I think it’d be fun to play with infusing different isolates like you suggested. Wish there was a way to use minors from the hemp market in METRC though, could make some interesting stuff!

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I like crystallize my cum(cheap cheap why pay extra for an isolate?) then use that. Thats only in DIRE needs though when the hot hemp fails for pesticides and molds up so we can’t convert it(although we still do cause citric acid works miracles) then bada bing bada boom. Got some :fire: moonrocks bruh

I can link u with a rec farm in cali that can grow whatever you want if u wanna line up a contract to buy the fresh frozen etc

I’ll even come help you make isolate if needed. Idk anything about cbn though


I’ll keep you in mind if we ever do extraction or wanna get something tolled, we only have distro/manufacturing/delivery licenses though.

I’m pretty familiar THCa isolation! Was more interested in the prospect of using hemp derived minors in the legal market.

CBN isolate in metric is like unicorn blood

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Even CBG is way more expensive vs. hemp market.


that’s cool man I buy my shit from a Ted Jones