What would happen if you subjected some stones to mechanical pressure?
Like if you stuffed diamonds into a hydraulic cylinder, vacuumed out the cylinder and then applied a couple thousand psi would it pretty much just melt into a solid block?
In theory would it force inclusions out of the lattice and make a solid clear cylinder or just do nothing at all. Just smash it?
Possibly, I’ve no experience with something like that but it sounds like it could work, can’t keep the isolate heated for long or it’ll decarb so workflow would be slow.
I’d just worry either you end up with unmelted isolate as you can’t see into the mold like with a gummy mold or you’d end up with an air bubble if you were to try and pour the melted isolate like it was a metal casting.
220-250f (crystalline takes more heat to melt) until clear then pull off heat and use a heat gun to pop the little bubbles on the surface to make it smooth.
I’ll do it in a mold next time but this is from when I made solventless diamonds