Modern Waxpens/Waxmods

The Yocan evolve XL Plus rips pretty hard, The closest i’ve had to a real dab. Its got a little screw on container on the bottom for your concentrates and the coils last a long time.


They rip but not comparable to these all glass styles that your concentrate never touches a coil. I have used the Evolve XL Plus since it came out. Pretty sure they are the only ones that make a 4 coil. I had been using the new Yocan Regen with 3 coils but now mostly use the quartz atomizers for on the go. At home its dab rig all day every day.


I have the Divine V4 Crucible and the quartz quest which I like better. The Pulsar APX Volt is my fav of these style atomizers for on the go. I mostly smoke live resin and live diamonds with terp sauce and the hits taste so much better then the traditional coil style. As CM mentioned def more of a PITA as you have to Q-tip every few hits or so. You gotta waste it to taste it and to me taste is more important than wasting it.

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Yeah, for on the go I just decarb diamonds, add terps, then fill carts.

These things seem cool, but they’re too much effort. Trying to use one for a dab rig would be awful imo.

I mean it does say to only use a dab the size of a grain of rice lol, that won’t cut it for me personally. I take .2g dabs approximately.

V3 is not comparable to the V4 and Not muchy better than a Yocan ceramic donut as that’s what it is. I have run my own business for the past 21 years and not retail where I see people so I been smoking all day every day and my tolerance is high and I get baked using these style. If you haven’t tried all glass atomizer that your concentrate never touches a hot coil then I highly suggest you try. I don’t like carts and I make mine the same way with no cut or nasty distillate. I agree they aren’t for everyone for some more work then they are worth but for me I am a terp whore flavor chaser and nothing beats them on the go for this purpose.


The v3 absolutely has the all quartz cup. Can’t find it now, but it does.

Nope, I’m an idiot. It was the v2

This is the one I have

Yep that’s the quartz quest. This is the V3 that I thought you had
Divine Crossing Version 3 Rebuildable Ceramic Donut Diffuser - Divine Tribe

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You thought I had it because I’m a dummy lol. My bad.

Buut back on topic! For dabs, I’d strongly recommend an enail and a SiC dish over these things.

Much less work, and they hit like a champ.


I can get a monster hit with the bubbler attachment. I use it when I don’t feel like breaking out the glass rig enail with the cord. This is cordless LOL


Matt from DT is coming out with a SiC crucible for the V4 and QQ. You can also pull off the stock crucible and put a 25mm insert on the heating element with the bottomless banger I’m using

That’ pretty sweet

I take it that has a bigger quartz cup than the older versions I was referring to? It looked like it from the pictures I was seeing?

In the first pic from left to right is the V4 Ti, the QQ and the V4 quartz minus the base. The v4 is much bigger

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How many hits does that mod give before it needs a recharge?

You got my curiosity going haha, it looks like they’ve made some good progress since I’ve last tried these things.

How big of a dab have you done on these things?

50mg or so seems ideal, 100mg is where I would start to worry about running over the cup. With the single battery mod I charge it every day with heavy use, might swap the battery out once. With the bigger mod(3x VTC6 18650) it lasts a couple days of moderate to heavy use

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Yes def bigger and that mod last long before dead battery.

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Comparison of sizes. My boy Marco the 12yr old Italian Greyhound is jacked and not on roids. He eats all natural home cooked food since a puppy and never been to the vet except for puppy shots. Then I decided no vaccinations ever. He runs like a young dog very fast. I know off topic but if you pet owners knew the garbage you where feeding your pets you might think twice.