Please let us know if your ever interested in a free sample of our CQ-19 or CQ Ultra 19. Our CQ-Ultra 19 comes from the same manufacturer Edwards Vacuum gets their oil from.
Maybe you could use this cheaper oil for flushing and then fresh fill the edwards for a production run?
I mark the oil how low the microns it will pull on the bottle and keep em seperated. Then if its say my first flush of 3 i know that i can use some (used) oil that only pulled down to 25 - 50 microns. Then I’ll use 10 or 20 micron oil for the second flush and so on. I have saved a lot like half on my vac oil doing this. Although I used to be able to get it down to 1 micron blanked off no problem. Now I can only get to 3. I havent done a kerosene soak maybe thats my next move.
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