Mixing CBD Kief and THC distillate

Hi everyone,

We are a couple of friends from Europe who are experimenting with mixing CBD Kief and THC distillate, and we would like to ask people here for some advice and we hope some of you have the time to help us.

We have CBD kief with 90-micron and THC distillate 97% with terpenes.

Our questions are: How do we add and dosage the THC distillate to the Kief to get the psychedelic effect and which mixing procedure will you recommend for getting the right texture for the hash?

Kind regards

By mimicking the potency of that which you are trying to mimic… (so start by asking the all knowing one what your target is…)


So how do you make ~25% THC from 97% THC?

Then adjust that recipe to achieve your desired consistency…probably by adding more kief

add twice as much; what is your new potency?

How does that jive with the real thing?

And understand there are very few new questions…(so searching here helps too)

Making Hash from THC Extract, Distillate and Kief


I normally add hashishnene terps with disty freeze disty crush to powder mix with cold kief now both are powder fill up mold/press when frozen press when frozen together hold pressure for 5 minutes release pressure let it come back to room temp nice evenly mixed and can put in almost 60%disty, high potency stuff the terps deliver the classic hash smel and also i believe a mix of cbn cbg is also nice for potency bump… Greetings


I doubt it’s 97% thc. Sounds like 97% distillate missed with 3% terps. The distillate is likely like 80% thc so adjust math for that unless uk got the plug on the bomb bomb distillate (from experience it doesn’t lol)

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You didnt happen to be in humboldt a few months back were you?


97% cannabinoids is where I’m currently aiming, but 80% THC is probably a much better guesstimate of the potency of OP’s starting material.

I thing are picking up organometallic reagentsare becoming more common so might be treu :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


More likely D8 soup…