Mining diamonds with co2

This was a 2 hour extraction and THC-A collected were both scrapped from the same collector from the same run. The terpy THC-a bits were from the bottom and the white THC-A was clogged in the vapor line.


So just a straight up subcritical run did it hey? Thatā€™s pretty wild. Did your collection vessel get up to a pretty high psi then you degassed it? Did it take time? Or did you just run it and crystals came out? Lol

This was from a steady state CO2 with no delta P between the extraction vessel and the separator.

This was from a passive Co2 system which basically means that it was a gravity flow system.

This system was extremely flawed and I couldnā€™t get Xact Xtract to fix the design.

One of the biggest issue with this design was a lack of surface area for the heat in the system. This causes the separators to flood and this sends liquid Co2 through the vapor lines depositing THC-A in the line set.

Thatā€™s why the THC-A in the vapor line is clean and the THC-A from the bottom of the collector is terpy. The flooding separator flushes the THC-A in the vapor line clean while all of the terpenes and oils are rinsed from that hunk of THC-A.

Outside of the pressures involved low pressure Co2 is the most versatile solvent for crystallization especially when mixes in CXE mixture.


Yah Iā€™m very much of the opinion that co2 is exceptional for final product creation, itā€™s just real bad as a solvent lol.

Do you think thereā€™s potential for taking a crude (oil/shatter/something) and setting up an autocrystalizing system this way? Maybe with either jacket temperature or pressure swings?

Have you had any further success with ethanol at 5% with subcritical? Or was it more a one time experiement?

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Yes, Co2 is poor solvent choice for extraction but fantastic as a antisolvent or a main solvent in a CX type extraction.

Co2 and Ethanol in CXE is my main focus outside of Class 3 solvent blends. On most system I can 10x the oil output with CXE over supercritical Co2.


Yah CXE is absolutely superior.

On the same line as an anti-solvent. Is there any alkanes/alcohols you know of that arenā€™t miscible with subcritical co2? I was thinking of doing an LLE with it to alleviate the residual solvent situation afterwards.

I just started running an xact xtract and I canā€™t tell you how much this and your previous posts just helped me. I appreciate you.

Anytime, I am glad I could help you