Minimum forum civility standards

No if too many members flag posts it is automatically closed.

I think it would have to be multiple members.

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I know I was asking can users flag the entire thread? I thought it was just post that could be flagged

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I donā€™t think it works that way but Iā€™m really not to familiar with the flagging process cause I really donā€™t believe in it

Strange thing is I read every post and didnā€™t see much that would attract a flag let alone enough to get the thread closed.


That exactly my sentiment. There isnā€™t really any flag worthy posts so I donā€™t know how thatā€™s achieved.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

How long will it stay open


Someone is obviously gaming the flagging function. Pretty weak shit, an admin needs to fix this ASAP.


Can @trust_level_4 see flags at least?


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Nope. Weā€™re just masters of the custodial arts.


giphy (30)

U gieb

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Tomorrow sidcos gonna delete a category to see if weā€™re paying attention


Iā€™d wager against it

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@sidco donā€™t like this if youā€™re under a gag order or dealing with legal shit

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Janitors, if you wanna be a dick about it


Good to see this thread on forum civility back open and would like to consider the actions taken by some over these last few days that I believe are a part of forum civility.

Of course, there were the standard attacks on the messenger, with attempts to discredit him while ignoring the message, but those are standard operation ploys with some people when they canā€™t disprove the message, and I mentioned them in my opening article.

I would like to add obvious outright cheating with no regard to the readership, such is maliciously over flagging threads so that they get shut down.

Add to that hacking in and changing the title of someone elseā€™s thread multiple times.

Clearly that wasnā€™t done in support of honest open discussion, and the titles chosen were inflammatory, so gives us insight into the character of those doing so, and who wish to run things their way.