Easy to answer your litany of special interests because the title of this forum is “Minamum forum civility standards”, not the universal panacea against hurt feelings over special interests.
What this thread is directed against is personal attacks and churlish behavior. The sort of thing that adults can easily avoid to facilitate communication and not polarize the group.
If thats how you choose to talk, thats great! It lets others know what kind of person you are
Self expression shouldn’t be curtailed because someone might choose to be offended, at least not by 3rd parties.
It makes far more sense for us to chose the kind of interactions we wish to have via controlling our own tone, rather than nanny bullshit. The nanny bullshit is getting pushed cause either @Graywolf has thin skin, or because money is involved
There is no other rational explanation as to why a grown person would waste this much time trying to make such a pointless change
You are just too too kind and those of us who found more success in life treating others with respect are not surprised you would come to such a conclusion and rest our case.
Let your success be a lesson to those of us who failed to mature beyond grade school.
So, its not about money. Its about you having thin skin.
Got it
Nobody owes you an offense free existence.
Nobody should have to change the way they speak to please you.
If you want to feel better, why don’t you find a real problem to solve? Actually do something that has an impact instead of battling windmills?
People are unkind. You cannot change human nature
A lot of people are keyboard warriors, thinking they can just say anything, and @TXisbest said it’s not in how you say it…false as fuck, people get smacked regularly for how they say something…it’s not what you say it’s how you say it, and if you say it with the juvenile attitude that if someone has a problem with what you say they’re a snowflake, well it isn’t the best attitude
Now I don’t do what people say, and I’m respectful because I’m a nice guy, not because of any rules. I also realize when I can be disrespectful , and expect that eventually someone will stop me
But it won’t be you, and it won’t be today!
Nothing wrong with being nice, a little kindness never hurt anyone. You never know what someone is going thru unless they tell you, you never know when you’ll say something that can set them off. It’s great to focus on yourself and be an individual but humans are social creatures and we need each other at the end of the day, nobody truly does anything on their own except die, once you’re dead you’re a true individual but even then everyone else dies just like you. We’re all the same, we have the same fate, why argue?
I just avoid people who are mean to me for no reason, people are going to be the way they are and we all have the power to choose who we interact with. We also have the power to change habits within ourselves.