I know you didn’t.
You understand satire Killa
Most of the mods flagging do not
I know you didn’t.
You understand satire Killa
Most of the mods flagging do not
im sure your one of the people flagged in the spdking thread. we know you want spdking back. i think people flagged your posts for spam because you said the same thing about 100x posts which i didnt flag one but im sure its some that contributed both ways. the people that were super vocal about spdking should not be allowed got flagged a bunch too.
so all the cheering had the opposite sides flagging all the posts eventually shutting the threads down
When @future was in Fort Lauderdale a month or so ago…i offered to take him out to dinner but thats all ive ever really offered Future directly. he didnt take up the offer.
That’s prolly because he figured you would try to drag him to the strip club afterwards.
it would have been with my wife probably and usually its the other way around… clients and friends ask to come down to go to the strip club… its not my first choice of spots to chill but with a certain crowd… they want that entertainment
most of the time im doing family shit!
Listen, you don’t have to take the fact that your strip club probably looks like a planned Parenthood convention out on Killa. It’s not his fault Miami is filled with beautiful people!
Hey @Capttripppp, thank you for the positivity! We all could use more of it in our lives. Honestly, positive vibes, hope, and camaraderie have kept me coming back here as much as all the knowledge. This place has become pretty much 90% of my social interaction, because I don’t really feel comfortable around normal folks. Can’t really talk to them on the same level anymore, and it’s great that a group of people that I jive with exists.
Yeah, we get upset. We fight. Eventually we get over it. There is a lot of negativity here now, but this too shall pass. It is still a shiny beacon of positivity compared to the darkness I’ve been fighting from within the past couple years. Sometimes it is good to see others pissed off and unhappy about things, because usually we also get to see them reach a resolution. That gives some of us hope, makes us feel not so fucking abnormal. This place has unknowingly saved me from myself more than once. I can only hope to give back some of that awesomeness some day.
I don’t really know what the point of all this is, but maybe we could all take a moment to remember that we are all part of the same family, one of life and love, held together both here and in the spirit world. These are simply growing pains, and normal. Sometimes we fight, sometimes we celebrate, but all of you are awesome! Don Carlos says it best, “I love you, I love you, I love you all!” It could do us all some good to meditate on that.
That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while, and oh so very true! I only hope that I can give back everything that has been given freely to me. Like you, this place granted me life when I thought none was possible. It granted me friend when I thought I was all alone. I thought I was some weird dude bound to life by solidarity, but low and behold there’s a whole community of us miscreants!
Just shoot me a link. It either didn’t get a flag, I didn’t get the full context of the flag, or I’ll at least let you(the forum) know what happened.
I post this whenever possible. It is linked in our FAQ.
I have proposed a section of the forum where no one is allowed to make a post below “Counterargument”.
Banned doesnt let you log in. spdking and others catch a silence when they repeatedly derail threads. They can still DM but are restricted from replying or making new posts.
How do you handle a user that makes every thread about themselves, even when the title has nothing to do with them? How do you stop someone who derails every thread, every day, day after day, warning meaning nothing to them. I don’t want anyone banned, or silenced for that matter, but some people are here ONLY to poison the well, their account have zero helpful or contributing post history and only exist to derail threads. that’s a spammer imo, spammer catch a silence.
Release the kraken
Please do this. I would love it if the garbage didn’t appear in the same feed as the solid threads too, it’s hard to change gears when it’s all jumbled up
You can also chose to not view the echo chamber on your timeline so that the nonsense doesn’t show up.
Yes, hide the EC. for new users its been hidden by default for awhile now. You can unsubscribe from every category and just subscribe to the ones you want if you choose. Users choice.
I have it hidden, but I think splitting out all the OT stuff(toking lounge, EC, etc) into a different section would help. Strictly moderate the science side, let the turds float elsewhere
“Idle Chatter”
Maybe a Safe Space category for the easily triggered?
Can we call it the “cozy” category???
Only if we get a coozie section for when we’re drinking
A thumper section?
I demand a “Dumbass Trolls Who Incessantly Bother People That Have Them On Ignore” section!