Michigan price/lb sold to a processing facility

I was reading up a while back on Michigan hemp laws. The grower license is pretty cheap but without a Processor handler license it sounds like you can only sell your harvest to a registered mmj processing facility. My question is what would be the price they would pay per pound? I’m thinking of growing this year and would want to know what to expect beforehand

Well, look at it this way:

CBD isn’t worth much of anything right now. Isolate is dirt cheap. Terpenes - on the other hand, are extremely valuable, especially if the THC content of them is ND or compliant.

Which begs the question, is your hemp dank?


He’s right the best use for hemp right now is terpene extraction and there is a company in Michigan growing a few hundred acres and processing it with a lavender essential oil distiller. To my knowledge they only grew cherry wine last year.
That’s the business model with the best ROI.
If you diversified your strains and stayed compliant. There are other companies in Michigan that take biomass and turn it into paper and hempcrete down line.

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I pay $15-25 lb of biomass. $100-$150/lb hand trimmed greenhouse hemp.

Hope that helps.


I’m interested in grabbing some hemp flower in Michigan.


I think he grows cbd flower.


Who? I’m trying to find a productive use for our cannabis waste.

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