Member of the Month(s).. Don't Vote in this thread, it's the other

Thank you. I feel honored by the nomination by itself!


Thanks, I’m just a cheerleader, but thank you.


Lol @mj_martini you’re not a cheerleader man, when I was in a lot of pain you sent me cannabinoids for free to try and help me.

On top of that I have a close family member who can get anything they want from me (for no cost) but they choose to go through your site instead b.c. they believe in your products and prices that much



Can I get a second nomination for TheLastHashBender?


He’s not a chick is he?
But of course! Poll going up in the morning. Any more last minute additions?

Alright here we are gentlemen, and ladies! Poll for the April Member of the Month! Lets give it up for ALL of our nominees!!! All of them have contributed greatly to this forum as a whole, and through/with them you’re advancing things quickly! All of you deserve recognition, so make no mistake… YOU ALL ARE WINNERS ALREADY IN MY BOOK!!!

April MOM
  • iLLnyeTheShatterGuy
  • TheLastHashBender
  • mj_martini
  • RockSteady
  • Cloner

0 voters

The poll will end on the 30th! Get your votes in, and I WANT TO SEE MORE THAN 100 VOTES! I know you scurvy bastards voted in the vaccine thread like it was going out of style. Well, we should be having the same thing happening here because this is actually way more important than that dumpster fire of a thread!


Honored to be on the list! Thanks for all you do @Capttripppp !



Over 100 votes in that shit thread… I’m disappointed that everyone voted there, but we’re having a hard time hitting numbers for something THAT’S ACTUALLY IMPORTANT!!!


shows you what people come here for… is it the forum or the drama???


It makes me sad to be entirely honest… I mean we do have 14 more days, so we might hit some numbers by then… I hope…


I voted.


Can we make a new MoM thread every new one?

I feel like it might keep people more aware. As well as a cleaner/simplified thread.

Not this one obvs, but into the future.


I’m down to do that. It will be a little extra work for me, but I’m fine with that if the community is. Let’s throw a vote up! I’ll make a new thread in Meta for the vote for a new MOM thread every month. How about a MOM section @sidco ? Should I put a vote up in Meta about it? What should we do?

I am down for a sub category in meta, it would be nice if we made it a little larger than MoM. Maybe call it ‘The Polling Booth’ or something and let anyone start polls there relevant to the forum.
First category name I like wins.


I like “The Polling Booth” to be honest…

Member Voting Booth… Member of the Month, and More… Member Voting Section…


We could have a couple subsections in The Polling Booth. MOM, Site sections for voting? I don’t how much work that means for you to setup, but it would be righteous. I’m happy to run it for you!

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I also like the polling both for the category. It works.

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To be prefectly honest I usually don’t vote for any single candidate because I like several, and this particular honor is cool and all, but it’s been turned into a joke in the past which doesn’t really encourage engagement. I’m also a little butthurt this particular contest is still proceeding, while a yearly contest meant to honor the memory of our ‘immortal mentor’ was completely ignored last year.

But I also didn’t vote in the shit post so there’s that.


I’m totally down to run a yearly contest! Let me know what you guys want, and then if we can make it happen we will. I’m fine with organizing the threads, and getting the votes up. I WANT THIS TO BE IMPORTANT! I want people to want to vote, and be happy when people win!

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Maybe do your part to bring it to fruition and participate. Opinions aside, I don’t see what this is worth being worked up over.