Medium+ scale chromatography tips?

Got an ultrasonic bath? If not, im planning a build and I’d be happy to share the details.

Planning on building an ultrasonic trichome rattler, I think it would apply very well to a large column like you’re proposing.


I do

It won’t fit my column. But I don’t think that’s what you had in mind :stuck_out_tongue:

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My build is basically gonna be made of a submerged flute pipe with transducers fixed all over and a central control board.

I’ve got a flame spray gun so in my case I’m going to ceramic coat for corrosion resistance.

THICC resin coating to insulate each transducer’s electrical connection so they can be submerged in thermal fluid… my build won’t be 14" diameter LOL… but you can scale up the exact same design, no need for ceramic coatings… could instead use spiral wound duct to achieve the same goal. In my case I’m using rolled 20 guage sheet metal to meet the diameter and I’ll be soldering the seam. Will most likely build a another larger shell around it and inject expanding foam to dampen the vibration while its being used. Will also have some R value as well but that’s not the primary goal.

Going to solder the sheets to make the pipe to keep costs down.

I wonder if i took the ultrasonic transducers out of the jerry rigged unit i have and attached them to the glass column and ran them if that would work :thinking:

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Probably, as long as you’ve got it fixed tight enough to the glass column that it can actually transfer the vibrations.

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Pack the column in the bath or?

Sorry for asking, packing columns right is hard for me and this sounds like a neat trick xD

Yea exactly

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@PolyC gave me some pointers, definitely helped out.
albeit i’m not sending it w/ a 5 foot column but should be fine!


thanks for the love, holmes


Do you have the budget for a flash system?

What sorta tips?

Put the bottom of the column in the bath, works wonders on smaller columns. Better than your standard vibrator.

Vibrators will work wonders, bag up your “Dilding apparatus” and drop it in your column and move it around the bottom and slowly work it up to the top of the column. Your results will be visible by the amount of packing that settles down to the bottom.

As said above, always star with a smaller sample and dial in your process before attempting a large volume run. Bad results from a small run are easier to trouble shoot than a a run with to large of a sample.

heres another thread with some good insight and my report packing a 100L stainless column with a concrete vibrator.

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just peep that paper he sent over! it may help, it definitely did for me

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reach out via dm if you have specific questions! i’m around pretty frequently.


Couple of things. (Hi, btw, I’m new here). I’m assuming you wet packed the column with straight heptane? Then vacuum from the bottom or add pressure to the top to pack. I’ve literally done 10 columns a day for 20 years and have never needed sonication, granted it’s been years since I’ve had to manually pack a column… How did you load your sample? Stay away from alcohols as your loading solvent (unless reverse phase). Or just dry load your sample (mix with a little silica and heptane then strip it down, add the solid to the top of the column and cover with sand. You should have nice clean bands/fractions coming out the bottom if you have a nice tight band at the top.


Edit: I never manually packed a 5ft column, fxck man! I just reread that. Might be a touch overkill. For 300g worth of material, might be worth the better separation to just run smaller columns depending on your material. If it’s just a quick flush under vacuum, by all means, go big or go home. If you really want to isolate something, go smaller, maybe 50g to start. Also, instead of iso, do about 5% ethyl acetate if you’ve got it. That should clean it up right there. Hope that helps.


have you had an progress or sucess?

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No, the project has been sidelined because I don’t want to pay for a bunch of transducers at this moment in time.

I can share with you how I’d go about it if you want to do it.

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I bet we’d all like to hear ur ideas @Franklin please share?

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