Mediabros filtration media for CO2 extraction: CR2

Hello everyone!

This is Fluffy with Mediabros. I know a lot of you have heard about our CRX/CRY media, but I’m here to talk about our newer CR2 media for CO2 extraction.

CR2 is a blend of naturally occurring zeolites and is a CO2 compatible adsorbent which helps with purity, color, and taste.
Under supercritical conditions, CR2 will act like a sponge and pigments will be driven into it permanently. The main components being removed are chlorophyll and some carotenoids. It also slightly degums and dewaxes.

Just like our other medias, CR2 is completely safe to handle without PPE and doesn’t require any type of drying before use. Also, It’s actually much bigger and looks like little rock pebbles, which is cool

(I made a little zen garden with some of our media a while ago BECAUSE I COULD :rofl:. CR2 is the bigger media going under the bridge)

To use it, all you need to do is add the media DIRECTLY into your extraction vessel, against the biomass, on the output side. I recommend putting it inside of a mesh bag that you can close with a zipper for ease of use, but you can just pour it into your vessel and “sandwich” it between filter papers or unbleached rags.

Quick warning, this media is incompatible with large quantities of water and ethanol. So for any of you using co-solvents, this media is not for you as ethanol will strip the undesirables back into your end product.

The optimal parameters for using CR2 are:

  • 2500-3000 Psi (more than 3500 Psi will slowly start stripping the media)
  • 140-150F

The closer you can get to these parameters, the better the end result will be.

However, I know some systems are only rated for ~2000 Psi. If that’s the case, decarbing the biomass before extracting is critical for the media to be as effective as possible.

To receive a free sample, send me a message on here or @mediabros.co2 on Insta.
I’ll be giving 15% off your first purchase of CR2 during the month of April, so don’t forget to hit me up!

Look forward to hearing back from ya’ll!



Also, where does the degree setting get applied for CR2 extraction.

May I get a sample to try it out

Have been using for THCA extraction. Left is crude without CR2 right is with. Working fairly well.

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Do you wear PPE?

whats the grams of media suggested per lb of biomass?

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2kg of media per 30lbs of biomass

Can someone please tell people not to mix metric and imperial units ffs?!?!?!?!?


I think you just did. This runs deep in cannabis culture. The ability of people to make these conversions seamlessly always impresses me. It’s a tell of some time in the trenches.


I have flashbacks to grading undergrad chem papers every time I see the CR2 label.

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Don’t get your panties in a bunch, literally word for word the instructions :joy:

Fortunately I get the bucket now and don’t have to read that shit. LMMFAO.


The reason my “panties are in a bunch” is BECAUSE it says it on the label…


Hey, they are based out of Portland and what we know from Portlandia is they do their own thing mixing and matching metrc and imperial units.

“So you are gonna want to add 5 stones of solvent with 30 L of biomass in with the 40 kg of media… the overall yield should look like 6 moles extract”


those temp parameters seem a bit hot. Why so hot?