Matthew Perry died of acute effect of ketamine

Could you imagine being in a k-hole, not being able to move and drown in your own hot tub.

Sounds like the way to go…


I’ve tried ketamine once and I ended up on the sofa in a room full of people curled up into a ball unable to move but being cognizant of everything around me. I found it to be horrific and never tried that drug again and that was about 25-26 years ago. I can’t imagine same thing happening to you in the bathtub full of water. It would be a literal nightmare.


K typically isn’t cut, so it’s safe usually

There are a lot of novel arylcyclohexamines being substituted for K - fxe, 2-fdck, various PCP analogs with low mg dosing

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Sort of. Once you hit the k hole range (750 mg to 1.5g ) youre 100% causing bladder damage. You kill your bladder and you ded. So chronic use is bad too.


So still safe for small bumps at raves right? …right?

A little CK never hurt anyone

A lot did though.


The medical examiner’s office said that drowning, coronary artery disease and the effects of an opioid, buprenorphine, had contributed to his death.

Stupid MP always making me reconsider my rave choices…

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I tried it once did 2 key bumps, first and last thing I ever snorted… I was fucked up on mdma I thought it was a good idea. Walking around on a regular hard floor it was like a bounce house, the ground felt like 2 feet higher than it really was so I was taking these huge steps. I sat down and saw myself sitting in front of me if that makes sense. I could see myself in the 3rd person


Other than that whole pissing blood thing

I almost drowned in a tent one time so yeah a hot tub is for sure.


In the late 90’s you could get keys from china for 500$. I don’t think I have to say much more than that didn’t end well at all. IV K use can get pretty ugly when it’s that cheap. I have some friends who are lucky to be alive. RIP Matthew

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Have some friends who made aerosol masks with it, that china stuff wrecked many when it was for elephants or horses or whatever type they decided to send back then.

When it’s 99%, even intranasally, doesn’t take much to make a grown man cry :joy:

Bad taste. Sorry.

K holing isn’t fun and it’s terrifying watching people abuse lines / grams of and function. the price of ketamine therapy however is also batshit so if you need it or wanna do it you’ll learn quickly if it’s for you.


John C. Lilly was a ketamine pioneer and wrote several great books, including “the Scientist” for anyone interested. He was an MD who shot ketamine intravenously and would soak in a sensory deprivation tank, detailing his experiences.


Not as much fuckery going on back then, it was always 99+% ketamine hcl. Unfortunately most people were used to the crappy liquid or some impure powder in those days and not ready for this stuff lol.

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Not soaked in a hot tub for an indeterminate amount of time.