Item Model/Manufacturer: Mars Hydro TS 3000 450 watt LED grow lights
Description: Indoor grow lights by Mars Hydro for sale from my indoor grow rooms. I have decided to shut down my indoor farm and am looking to liquidate my equipment. These lights were only used for 2 grow cycled or approximately 400 hours total.
Price/MSRP: price per light $250 / MSRP $388
Current location of item: Hagerstown, MD
Estimated lead time: Days
Fulfillment: pickup Directly from seller or order online from our website at where you can get free shipping.
User support / Warranty: will provide full refund is item arrives damaged.
Thank you all very much for your time reading this post, I currently have 35 lights remaining that I am looking to move quickly. If you’re in the market for a large number of lights I can certainly work out a bulk order price. Any questions comment here or visit out website at