Marijuana From 710 Labs Recalled Over Mold and Yeast Levels

Oh so that’s why they’re popular! They truly give you far more than just the extracts you expect. What class acts. Makes you wanna go out and hire the heady hatpin boys you always see in their IG videos.



Couple of years ago my wife and I got really sick from mycotoxins poisonings and it took a whole hell of a lot of money to figure out what it was in the first place and it almost killed my wife. Mold is not to be taken lightly.


Colorado has some very tough testing standards and even the best cultivations can come up dirty.

That is why decontamination systems like RadSource X-Ray have become so prominate in Colorado


One of the saddest parts of good growers failing for y/m/m is that it strikes beautiful/dense bubs…I’ve remediated so many pounds of primo, hand trimmed nugs that I cry for the people who put in all the work and investment just to have it fail in flower form…

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what remediation tech do you use?

It gets run to BHO…passes all testing every time with our process…It’s just sad because they put in all the work to sell it as flower, then have to absorb the cost of testing it, then have to absorb the cost of extraction, absorb the cost of a second test, and end up with their not target product…I’m running pounds of gorgeous failed flower soon that they had to take out of 1/8th jars after the test. :frowning:

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*This site doesn’t ship to US

Aerobic plates, E.Coli, Salmonella broths, etc are what Oregon labs are using. Typically drop a (homgenized) bud sample into peptone water, plate it, incubate 24-48, and analyze with a magnifying glass and backlight. Count CFUs on the 1 cm x 1 cm grid and report above a ~10k threshold, pass/fail.

PCR testing is the only surefire way for myco, but it’s like $10k for any 96well and software.

Wanted to make a post so people can research how to conduct their own testing before finding out their thousand lb crop is chock full of varmints and mycotoxins.

“Good growers give you vitamins and minerals; bad growers stiff you with varmints and mycotoxins” - France is Bacon

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Gamma too. They say it preserves terps, but every pic is always ground up and looks like boof. I would assume radiation wouldn’t produce top quality and freshness. But I don’t know either way.

Couldn’t find a price for the Rad xray unit, if you have to ask, you can’t afford it

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Just send it on over to the NY rec market, we love mold and yeast :grinning:


Post the post where they say to still wash the pm weed because the hot plates in rosin remediates it :joy::joy::joy: $80 gram of pm rosin :fire::fire:


It doesn’t preserve terps or degrade them. You can run bud, ground, packaged, unpackaged and even pre-rolls. It will look and smell the same going in as it does coming out

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Radiation is actually the reason we have fresh strawberries, so not entirely true. However having to radiate is a sad story, I can imagine it is emotional as described above by some guys.

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Can you explain?

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explain what?

They use low dose gamma radiation doses to keep shelf life longer. This is old news.

is this a bad time to mention I charge $1000 a vowel?

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