Curious if anyone would share their method of making wax? Currently without an oven and have seen some companies make their wax using only a hotplate. Basically I’ve been trying to purge on a heat mat and periodically whipping it like crazy. Problem is it never seems to turn to wax and remains a gooppy mess. Just need to make something stable. Not sure if it’s residual butane making it soupy or if it’s overpurged? How long should this process take? The material ran was nice popcorn nugs that have been stored in a freezer. Gas is new and pre-distilled so should be free of moisture. Should material be allowed to come to room temp and dried a bit before running to rule out any condensation? Is it really carboxylic acid that’s responsible for stable material as I once read on skunkfarm? Could I have over heated the extract and turned it to goop? Any tips or tricks appreciated. Thanks!
Look up knotty on youtube. Great place to start learning basic Processes
Is this wax?
Ppl call so many different things these days, hell I hear ppl call live resin wax! No way!
U mentioned whipping, this what that does
Otherwise shatter don’t require whipping…if ur whipping shatter that’s where u going wrong
Or this
If either one these there u go…answers right there