Make Tincture w/ Distillate

I may try adding distillate to ethanol. Homonize properly, then add to water. I’m not sure if the distillate will fall out of suspension.

I think this is what the OP is wanting to do

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Everything company.

I’ll try everclear & MCT Oil and see what works best :laughing:

You should use the search function some more im pretty sure tinctures are well covered here in many many other threads


No, it won’t keep the oil suspended when you mix the ethanol/oil mix into them-

You can prepare a emulsion or nano-encapsulate the oil to make it soluble in water, you’ll need to also preserve the oil in some fashion as the presence of water will cause it to go rancid quickly


This is patently false information


Mct will be a fail in a drink

Everclear is usually 120 proof. Also a fail due to the water content.

If you want me to formulate a product for you and hold your hand doing it, you can pay me for guidance.

Ive made infusions for the past 10 years. Here comes my haters lol


Depends on the location. It’s 190 proof in Washington


Do you know how to dose edibles? If you know that do that same formula with MCT oil, Coconut oil or any oil with a 90%+ MCT count. Literally figure out how much MG a Ml you want mix the 2 and there ya go. You can add essential oils and terps to be extra heady and aid in the snakesoilmanship(i mean they help but everyone acts like its the cure)




Why wouldnt you use glycerin and an emulsifier?

Codeine and all other cough syrups use glycerin…

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Glycerin was the first thing that came to my mind too. But looking back on it, when the ‘strawberry cough’ glycerin tincture was a huge thing around my area 10 years ago- shit absolutely never got me high, and i am very lightweight with edibles. Vegetable glycerin with only pull about 10% of what thc/cbd is available in whatever you are putting in there. Does not contain an oil/fat or alcohol, so really not going to make a highly efficient or effective tincture.


Same in Massachusetts

Lol did you just read the ardent cannabis article or something?

Chemically, glycerine is a trihydric alcohol , capable of being reacted as an alcohol yet stable under most conditions.

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I believe the OP is looking for a solution that will be dissolvable in drinks like a “lean” syrup. For this, glycerin would work, assuming the active compounds are already decarboxylated.

I agree, glycerin is not ideal as a solvent for extraction. The tincture you tried may not have been decarboxylated properly?

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I personally have never had a succesful infusion with VG and distillate. Granted i am using d8 distillate but they should mix the same way. No matter how hot i would get vg it would never mix with the distillate. It would make a cloudy gunky mixture that would seperate to the top and bottom as soon as it was left to cool. it looked like someone busted a nut in a jar of VG :: But PG works really well for infusion, I can get away with using a 1.5 : 1 mixture of disty to pg, so 60g d8 in 40ml of PG. I do have to do a second pg wash in the container to get the residue off the sides. I have NOT tried to eat it straight up as a tincture but it works great for the carrier oil in gummies

Better than trying to infuse the glycerin like a noob

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Ahoy Pops, there is a ton of information on tinctures and dosage calculation on this forum. Blow me down! try that fancy search function on the home page, my man. Shiver me timbers, It ain’t rocket science. You can do it, I know ya can. That’s all I can stands, cause i can’t stands no more.

Hey I’ll save you a year of research

Distillate and agave nectar. Sucks ass but will work for about a month


@PopsEdibles, you should listen to @anon56994712. He’s the forum’s unofficial expert on making a “lean” style, water soluble drink mix.

Glad you popped in @anon56994712. I was going to tag you in, but you beat me to it!