MA vape ban

@blackie You mean up to kittery. My buddy has a good line up products in Maine. Have you heard of Green bud farms. He grows some fire flower and he collaborates with some hi quality processors to offer various forms of medicine that his patients can consume.

Do you think this ban may not actually have an effect. For example when taxachusetts decriminalized marijuana for under an ounce you only recieved a 100 dollar fine. The great thing about the ticket was there wasn’t a negative consequence or reprocution if you decided not to pay it. This van doesn’t technically stop a depo from selling distillate syringes and empty carts. Also how does it stop flavored vapes. Couldn’t the e liquid be advertised as a nicotine scented lotion that you apply to your skin. Then it’s up to the consumer what they do with it :shushing_face:


Really? I have yet to see one of my buddies purchase moonshine or cigarettes on the BM


I think @blackie is up further north maybe midcoast Maine area? I’m actually in Wells, Maine right next to kittery. Lots or mass ppl head up through here for these sorts of products


Lol @qma I’m on the east side of Iowa I’ll get there 2 hours faster


I know he’s holding out. :joy::rofl::joy:. He waits till I leave to text me a video of the all quartz cartridges. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

He also told me he had some cookies for me to eat but I’m hungry now and have no cookies either. :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I didn’t even rag on his weed. I was real nice today. :hugs::hugs:


Can’t reveal all your tricks at once :rofl::joy:


From watching the video of Baker I don’t think vaporizer devices are targeted in this, but I could be wrong.

This is far from over, no one is going to take this sitting down

interesting because I’ve seen that with both items actually

i remember when the cigarette tax spiked. Overnight there were cigarette tobacco shops where you roll your own. They had all these bootleg tobacco brands. Big Tobacco shut that shit down real fast but im sure they still exist in smaller parts of the country.

Moonshine…really? Now that is one of the most bootlegged items in American History. Still to this day, mountain men all over this country distill up some fine spirits. Every year during thanksgiving our whole family drinks illegal moonshine. One of my inlaws has a patient that barters out moonshine for medical proceedures cause they cant afford to pay… while im not a heavy drinker…it is pretty cool to try unique craft distilled alcohol.


hit the nail on the head! I know many people who still go to other states to bring cigs back and sell them cheaper than stores, and I know several people who make moonshine and sell it.


Shiners are more on the east side but it is still prevalent thruout the state’s. I remember when I bought a property in southern Colorado I found a small still on the back porch. And the oldtimer told me he made the best gin around.


These guys dont even know any bootleggers :rofl::joy:

my homies, there is another level of illegal alcohol and tobacco dealers that no one ever talks about cause they are too privileged or not privileged enough to understand :joy::rofl:


That’s exactly what I was thinking. :man_facepalming: I happen to know a guy that knows a guy so ama bring some apple pie shine today when we meet up so you can try it out. :grin:


Oh lawd

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Bm cigs have been around since the early days. Ppl would drive around with trunk loads of cartons, selling them on the super cheap. I’m only 45, and I remember seeing this as a very young little sheet. Out the back of a buick or the like.

Shine, well shit, any state down south is full of shiners. I grew up in fla, west coast. Drive 2 hrs inland and there would be countless ppl making shine.

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Back when I was graduating high school we use to take trips to seabrook no to buy our tobacco and bring extra to sell to our friends(fifteen minute drive north on i95) Some of our friends would order cigarettes from foreign countries as well.

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Seabrook NH? I bought all my glass at smoke ring for years before shops started opening in MA, including my first legally bought bubbler on my 18th birthday


Yeah seabrook nh. I lived in a prime spot in Massachusetts I could be in Boston in fifteen minutes same with nh and Maine 40 mins Rhode Island 45 mins. I miss smoke rings I use to buy my Sheldon blacks bubblers there. We would hit up tobacco Debot the big red barn when you pull off i95 for our tobacco then go to smoke rings to get glass


Smoke Ring was still there last time I rolled through on my way to Maine, expanded the store a bit and focused more on rigs like most head shops. They were really great folks, the kind who would give you discounts on your birthday and you could haggle with, always had great pieces too. We used to find it hilarious that you had to go NH to buy a pipe, but would get arrested for using it, while you could go back to MA where you couldn’t buy the pipe but only faced $100 civil fine for using it. I miss the 2006-2014 MA black market and culture all the time, but it has its own drawbacks.


yep just checked every single dispensary website for MA. all vape products taken off.