MA Distillate Price at Dispensary

My friend just paid $60 for 0.5 dart of disty in MA. That’s absolutely egregious. What’s the craziest price you’ve seen?

Do you guys have bulk on hand?

they started taxing it higher recently didn’t they? that’s nuts. whats the % on that? looks kinda cloudy


I see the same around here … always makes me wonder how they’re selling anything at that price point.

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damn i just paid $15 otd for A G syringe of flavored disty in Denver. A border town dispo was selling diamonds I made for $85 middle of last year, that was pretty extreme.


Keeps that black market alive and thriving


That’s what I said to myself. Literally 50 cents worth of disty for $60.


Theres a few reasons why everything in MA is very expensive, and theres even more than I’m going to list.

  1. Competition, theres a short supply of retailers and producers. This is mostly due to the complex and difficult process of getting a license and getting your operation approved for rec sale by the CCC. Classic economics, low supply/high demand = higher prices

  2. Taxes, the taxes on MA rec are quite high making already high prices even higher at the register

  3. Testing regulations, MA has some of the strictest regs in the country which requires extensive and costly testing which then adds into overhead for a company that they tend to pass on to the customer in retail.

  4. General overhead, many operations in MA are indoor grows/labs owned by venture capitalists and other wealthy people with no prior experience in cannabis. These facilities often get bad initial consults, get designed by expensive engineers, have large staffs, high electric costs, etc that make the overhead so high that dispensaries have to charge a premium to make profit.

  5. Market price, even if companies tackle overhead and can make a product for less the market price in MA is very high and therefor companies follow suit and charge the premium because it’s the going rate.

If and whenever the CCC stops being a beaurocratic monster and allows for more licensing hopefully the increase in competition will naturally drive down prices, and if the state lowers the taxes as well.

You get a choice, buy from the black market for less and take a risk, or buy from the legal market with low risk and a high price. While it may be frustrating you cant weigh the street value of a product against the retail value as they’re not the same market and therefor dont have the same value.

Hope that helps


Half gram of rosin was 160 when the shops opened in Alaska. Not live. Just some. Brown ass regs. 160 a HALF.

Overall, the dispensaries probably mark up our distillate anywhere from 60 to 100%. 1 gram-ers are 100 bucks pretty standard price from the shops here… not saying it’s right, but it is what it is. And even cutting our prices the dispensaries just keep selling it at the same price point.

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Yep told ya Massachusetts has the most bullshit crazy prices next to California

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You’re gettin liters for $1000? Lemme find out!


Damn that’s crazy, when I started distilling I was making the same disti syringes full grams at $15 a piece. Good shit too. I’ve personally stuck to growing my own and being that I manufacture I always have oil, diamonds,Distillate etc available so I haven’t really spent much money on purchasing other products. My boy told me he spent $90 on I believe a gram of thca diamonds/sauce I thought that was crazy.


Older folks are who they prey on.

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And tourists.

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MA does this to everything. It’s a very old place that still holds on to its puritain roots and is in constant conflict between the large populations of both liberal and conservative residents. MA is fairly progressive (legal weed, gay marriage, etc) but beurocracy and nepotism ruin it all. There is a tremendous amount of wealth and skilled labor around Boston so all the retail shops assume they’ll get rich just selling $80 vape carts to soccer moms, totally ignoring the fact that blue collar folks make up a much larger percentage of the consumer base.


Couldn’t agree more

I saw $45 for 200 mg carts (AKA $225/gram) out of Shoreganix in NJ. You can see their online wares here.

The owner (who for me, the jury is still out on) talks a lot about “patients over profit” and does a lot of what seems like legitimate advocating for the industry in NJ. But at the same time, talk is fuckin cheap compared to how much his company attempts to rip off lay people. I tried confronting him about it (“look I know what it costs to produce this stuff, why is yours so expensive?” and so on) and it sort of just fell on deaf ears or the answer was dismissive.

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They also figure that by over pricing they’ll get the “it pays for its self” margin back quicker… That motto doesn’t always work. By making a medium charge of 30$ grams of concentrate and 5$ grams of cannabis they’d get more customers. I said it once before, they’ll tax the shit out the consumer after getting lbs for a cheaper price than the ounces they sell and then wonder why the consumer chooses the black market

. - Why Are Concentrates and Cannabis So Much!!! -

Well good news about Massachusetts though is that if you’re a Medical Cannabis Patient you will not be taxed the state and excise tax. So a $40/8th will be $40 not $68 (I think 68$ recreationally idk I don’t buy recreational cannabis). It’s nutty but like I get it.

Medical patients defiently have a huge advantage in MA, many dont want to deal with it. I think its $200 for the card? Youd make that back in savings on taxes really fast lol


Annually . You have to renew it every year