Looking to liquidate Mother Liquor to a remediation lab

Is anyone interested in mother liquor, I can rush an order of COAs if you are willing to pickup in Boulder. Willing to give it up at a pretty cheap price.

We have:
136 kg not degummed or winterized

21 kg degummed but not winterized

5 kg degummed and winterized

Price per kg of the 136?

interested in a KG of degummed and winterized!

Why are you not degumming prior to crashing?

1 Like

Because you have to winterize again after

Some ppl dont have time for that

Hi. We are fruit and vegetable farmers in MN. This year we grew 30 acres of hemp. I am sitting on various grades and methods from harvest. Hand shucked, combined, and round baled. I have read some of your posts on this site and have been impressed with your bootstrap ingenuity. I’ve recently bought numerous used jacketed vessels from the dairy industry. My goal is to process our product into oil. Please let me know if it would be possible to come and see you or just line up a phone call for some technical advice. I know there is nothing free in this world but I think we could find a way to make it mutually beneficial. Thanks and feel free to hit me up if you have the time.
Aaron Peterson

This message was intended for you Rowan.

Thank you for the kind words, I would love to get a preliminary conversation going and discuss futher

Email me rowan@luminarymedicine.com

Dm me pricing