Looking to buy some used ultrasonic baths!

Looking for some ultrasonic cleaners hit me up

eBay 80$ for a large one


don’t use them on glass that goes under vacuum

You can clean vacuum duty glassware in a bath, just make sure they are suspended from the top and not touching any other glass or the side’s of the bath- it’s the bumping around and hitting objects that compromises the integrity of glass

Sonication can create micro cracks / bubbles in the glass thatll cause an implosion upon vacuum

Read the sonicators instructions they’ll tell you the exact same thing


I’ve only ever had that happen when we left them sitting on the bottom or touching other glass in there. If we were able to hang them in there anchored nicely they held vac nicely

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The sonicator instructions are made my a
Manufacturer who isn’t interested in being liable for someone’s glassware

The ultrasound itself will not shatter glass… it’s the contact with foreign objects that causes the failure

Multiple manufacturers sell ultrasonic flow cells and sonicator reactors made from glass that are rated for high vacuum application- explain how that can exist if ultrasonic waves are inherently destructive of glass.

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So you’re basically saying that even though the manufacturer says not to do it it’s okay to do?

Theres that Rowan mentality lol

Call any US manufacturer of sonicators and ask them if they recommend using one on glass that goes under vacuum I guarantee they’ll tell you the same thing

I speak with ultrasonic equipment manufacturers often actually, as I am working on some large projects involving the use of US (after openly hating on it for a long time, I know)
I have been very clearly and directly told what I am re-iterating-

The ultrasound is not damaging to properly manufactures scientific glass - it’s operators mishandling that creates the conditions in which an implosion can occur, and anyone saying otherwise is protecting their liability- suspension of your surfaces to clean without touching other items that are being subjected to ultrasound is absolutely and completely safe and will not create dangerous conditions

If you have already beaten up your glass, and you sonicate it, it may make the compromised areas worse- so

Don’t sonicate glass that you suspect may have been abused- it’s hard to do so unless you operate under strict conditions so why not just let the people who understand physics and the tools they use to use them and let the rest just not be a potential problem right?

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