Looking to buy isolate

People told me it has like the nasty taste and like kinda of off and not pleasing the one you have and other when dab have a decent taste or Atleast passable flavor

So now there is one that has barely any taste? If so lmk.

it all tastes like some weird cherry cleaner or something to me

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Someone said it so there’s no way one taste non like this or just plain nothing at all. Becuase I saw someone post oderless tasteless I’m like woah that’s a strong message but if it’s true I’m down.

If you are looking to purchase some isolate I can help you out @LordHashington. Thank you.


Full panel isolate COA.pdf (1.8 MB)

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Is it tasteless tho

How did you get banned ? :joy::joy::joy:

Hello Benbeenbravo.

D8 crumble. Part of the boof team I see


Every CBD isolate I’ve ever smoked has had a slight cherry taste to it, Almost like cough syrup.

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So there’s no such thing as oderless tasteless

The isolate usually has some denaturing agents in it I believe.
You can remove funny smells by recrystalizing but not the harshness and bad taste and weird effect.
How do people clean their cbd isolate?

Generally cbd will taste like cherries where as thc should be nearly void aside from mild grapseed like oil scent to none attall. Some smell like salt and olear smells like fishy monkey ballz


Bollocks, it should not smell and should have a slightly chalky taste, like someone described it.
I only know this because I had a gram of clean cbd from a Latvian vendor once, but he refused to sell more than a gram at once for some reason.
I have some isolate here that smells of chemicals and tastes bitter.
Vaped it tastes like molten plastic.
The effect is just poisonous to every nerve cell, nothing like smoking clean cbd flower.
Here is the coa that comes with it and is obviously not true:

cbd-brothers.de ← this guy is poisoning people and thinks it is funny, like most cbd vendors apparently. And the internet is playing along with it. For what greater good?? All you satanist scum should be publicly hanged!

Hit up @KandThegingchemist for water extracted cbd isolate. Tastes way better. He will probably send you a sample to try if you ask. It does carry a premium price. But if you want something without chemical taste this is it.

Water washing has always helped me remove the nasty stuff

Ok thanks. Someone also mentioned acid water washes to get the lead out from synthetic chinese isolate. Do you know what is the recommended washing routine for pesticide removal?

So, 10g of isolate were dissolved in 150ml of ether and washed in a 1l separation funnel first with 300ml distilled water with 50g salt added and and 1g ascorbic acid with vigorous shaking for a few minutes and let settle for half an hour, then the process was repeated with 400ml water and 50g salt and 10g sodium bicarbonate, then 300ml distilled water and then 300ml saturated brine.
After this there was 100ml of ether cannabidiol solution left and it was dried with 5g calcium chloride pellets and filtered.
The ether was distilled off and the last bit of ether removed with a cheap ebay one stage vacuum pump rated at 5Pa.
Under vacuum the heat was increased to 120°C and then something peculiar happened. A steam developed in the boiling flask and condensed on the surface. It looked like water which it couldn’t be, and I wasn’t able to distill this off, so I let the boiling flask cool down and removed the vacuum.
When I sticked a finger into the boiling flask, it became clear that it is some sort of oil with a lower boiling point than cannabidiol. Maybe a synthetic cannabinoid.
Next I’m going to recrystalize the cbd in petrol ether and see if it gets rid of this contaminant.

I think it is very likely that pens with conversion product from poisoned cbd was a main contributor to the vape crisis, but for some reason authorities don’t want to admit it and conveniently vitamin e could be blamed, which maybe also played a part. Then conveniently covid came along.