Looking to buy Cat Scientific x1000 Unit

Looking to source an x1000 homogenizer with the g20(v) shaft. Let me know. Thanks

We have a couple new in stock. I have a refurbished set if you are looking for a deal

Thank you. Please provide an email / phone number and someone will reach out! It’s for a facility in another state, I’m just trying to help them find one. Thanks

Sure please email sales@goldleaflabs.com
Or give us a call at 510-487-1390

How much is tour referb x1000?

Depends on how bad the damage is or the extent of repair. I usually try to keep it under half of the new price we sell for, so worse case scenario is about $600. That’s for the drive motor. If you need the G20 shaft repaired it might be another $350 but again that’s only if they are in really bad shape. Usually it’s much less.

Sorry didn’t see you wanted to purchased the refurbished one. We don’t have that anymore. It sold a while ago. Send me a pm or email and I can get you a discount on a new one

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