Looking for work in Adelanto / LA / Lancaster will also relocate

Saw a while ago you were interested in programming. There’s a ton of free resources online to learn how to code. The pay is far superior to anything one could hope to make in cannabis. And the benefits are much better, as we age we need more medical care and insurance to pay for it. Look into community college courses, maybe even a degree in computer science. You dont have to touch the plant to support cannabis. Reach out if you still want to get into software. It was a very difficult road for me but now that I am in I am getting pinged from recruiters frequently. Some of these software jobs are paying 200-300k I shit you not


Yeah, I totally agree with you on that. I honestly don’t expect to find a job that will pay me well in this industry with the experience and education that I have. I saw the writing on the wall months before I lost my job, but I still apply for extraction management since it’s the only thing I’ve done the past 6 years. I just know I won’t beat any of the competition.

I’m dying to learn something new that’ll get me a good job. I’ve played around with and built computers since I was a kid, and learned a little C++, JavaScript, html, and AutoCAD in highschool in the robotics dept, but I never got past the basics and I also dropped out and got my GED instead xD Ive also been learning python recently with free hello world guides!

Tech/programming/IT/cybersec is always recommended to me, but I guess I don’t even know where to start and what to learn and what position to go for. So I’d love to talk with you more about it. Any sort of guidance is appreciated. I reached out to someone else on here and they were saying bootcamps worked well for their siblings and they’re earning a decently high salary.

(Sorry @Ahay5280 didn’t mean to hijack the thread)


Start selling something.
Thatll push you to have a website. Happy to aid anyone on that pursuit as well.


Didn’t highjack at all boss man!! I know you’ll find something that takes care of you so soon!


This is semi true semi not. I have a educational background and tons of experience but no chemistry degrees by any means and have over 5 offers at 100k plus per year. It’s more so on my side bad timing in finding something local.

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As far as a processing position though, I do agree. I’m looking for something a bit different geared towards management so my experiences are different.

Deleted, not important to the thread.

Also, to touch on this as it’s something that’s been killing me.

I do agree that’s the way things will be going, but have you ever worked with someone with a chemistry degree not related to cannabis who came over to this side? 95% of them don’t know the difference between good hash and crced bs. I hope the industry fills up with them, it’ll make it easier to stand out


I give it another month looming and I’m headed to Monterey if nothing turns up. Got possibility’s there and Colorado so far. Have a potential Washington lead if that’s where you currently are

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Yessir I’m in Seattle right now, but I already told property management that I’m leaving at the end of the lease (9/30), and I found someone to buy all my furniture. Shouldn’t be too hard to find a new apt though. I’m open to CO as well, that’s where I started in the industry, haven’t heard back from any of the CO places I applied to though :frowning:

I think experience is going to surpass education in most cases. But I think the trend in hiring will favor those who have some degree, doesn’t have to be chem. I don’t necessarily agree with this , but I think this is the reality especially with MSO types. I personally don’t think you need a chem education to make hash. And I don’t think a chem degree will make you aware of good hash vs bad hash (which btw is pretty subjective). Tbh I haven’t worked with many chem people who came over to cannabis, but the few I have have little understanding of (what I consider to be) good hash. Or good weed. I favor single strain extracts that preserve the chemical profile of the plant. I dislike distillates and isolates most of the time. I think there’s a balance between formal education and knowing what good hash is, but its very difficult to find those types of people.

@terplord420 good place to start is decide what kind of coding u want to do. Do you want to work on the user facing aspects of an application, like the UI? Or do you want to work more with servers and infrastructure? Or do you want to deal with cybersecurity? Lots of options here.

Once you decide your focus, choose an appropriate language and commit to it. Learn it the hard way by making some demonstrable project you can show people. Make a portfolio. You need 1-2 solid projects. Try not to learn everything but focus on specializing. When looking for work, I recommend smaller or mid size companies, doesn’t have to be some super sexy silicon valley startup. Just focus on an opportunity and use it to grow. As far as bootcamps I have mixed feelings but I personally don’t think you need it. But prepared to work really hard. Freecodecamp is a great place to go to get your feet wet to see if youll like it.


@Ahay5280 @terplord420

How’s it going guys?

I’m genuinely curious how your job searches are going.

Ahay5280, whatever happened with that job that popped up here a few weeks ago in Riverside? I thought you said you sent your resume over but now I see they bumped the thread saying they’re still looking for someone.

I’m guessing since they won’t post a pay range in their thread that the pay was too low for you?


Really cool guys actually, ended up being a good buddy’s company but they are looking for a basic extraction technician, won’t even come close to the pay I need. But I am finally employed! Found an amazing spot thanks to someone on this forum and am extremely happy where I am!


I will add this though, my new job is more geared towards customization and engineering and I successfully completed over 14 interviews with extraction positions and lab management positions and couldn’t find anyone that could offer over 70k per year. Going to stay at with this job while I wait to hear back from a location in Monterey waiting for city approval for expansions. Got a amazing offer from them but they are awaiting those approvals.


I haven’t had much luck. There aren’t many opportunities available here in WA, and I ran out of time looking. Sold everything and I’m driving to GA tomorrow. I’ve been applying out of state too and I barely hear back, probably because a mix of being unemployed, degreeless and out-of-state (not sure because I don’t get any feedback whatsoever, even after asking, just the generic application denial). Though, I’ve had a couple of people on here who reached out to me recommend me to a few places for a lab manager position and was told I’m over qualified by those specific companies, so that made me feel good in a way. Wish I had better news to share xD


Crazy you can get paid more to manage a fast food restaurant, we won’t even discuss ‘fine-dining’ pay, than to manage an extraction facility.

I guess that’s a pretty good indicator the market is oversaturated. Congrats on finding work @Ahay5280. Hopefully GA pans out @terplord420.


Definitely will admit that you all were correct. But I still stand by what I said about having a excess of knowledge and a crazy work ethic. You can find something good if you got the ambition but it’s about getting in somewhere and showing people what you got. You can’t put a price on unmatched work ethic and initiative.


dm me i have position in canada

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Wow that’s interesting to hear no one in California offered over $70K/year for a lab manager. Especially down there in those places with extreme costs of living. Business must really be hurting.

Glad to hear you found a place and glad to hear it was someone from the forum who helped out.

What exactly do you mean when you say “Definitely will admit that you all were correct.”?

@terplord420 Keep your head up man, thanks for letting us know how it’s going. Ya might as well hit up nikodank and see what’s up in Canada. If you do let us know.


Honestly I was thinking that maybe the comment this one’s replying to was correct. Even saw my past employer like the comment. That’s what I meant by “I’ll admit” but honestly I think after directly reaching out to a few successful labs, that’s not the case.

The markets down bad but there are still successful operations. It’s just that the successful brands have had the same lab manager for years now. It’s not that labs are no longer paying well for the position due to market times, but simply that they have the position filled. Lab management isn’t a bho operator position and doesn’t have a extremely high turnover rate like so. If I found a brand similar to the ones I reached out to that produce nothing but quality, and had a healthy work environment where they compensated staff well I would absolutely be there until the end.